He had been in a coma since 3 November and on Tuesday suffered a brain haemorrhage.
Mr Dewar died in October last year from a brain haemorrhage, at the age of 63.
In August 1984 he died from a cerebral haemorrhage - as his father had done before him.
BBC: Richard Burton: St David's Day Hollywood Walk of Fame star
The haemorrhage of jobs from the manufacturing sector has been staunched: only 17, 000 were lost in November.
Less than a month later the younger boy was admitted to hospital with skull fractures and a subdural haemorrhage.
He died from a cerebral haemorrhage, as his father had done before him.
Helena's group also interviewed a teacher about a baby who was born two days after her mother died from a brain haemorrhage.
But a month later, after a second post-mortem examination by another pathologist, he changed the cause of death to a brain haemorrhage.
In July, Wells Fargo reported that second quarter earnings had plummeted by 37% as the bank continued to haemorrhage both deposits and loans.
Pathologist Dr Phillip Cox told the inquest that a haemorrhage has occurred "at least a week" before Kate's birth, leaving her extremely anaemic.
Future capabilities, Mr Murphy hopes, might include a digital stethoscope to analyse breathing sounds and a haematoma scanner to look for a brain haemorrhage.
He knows little about his donor, except that his heart and lungs came from a 27-year-old Welsh man who had suffered a brain haemorrhage.
At first it was said he had suffered a heart attack, but a second post-mortem examination found that he had died of an abdominal haemorrhage.
Mr Derbyshire suffered a brain haemorrhage which caused meningitis in 2008.
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The introduction of Batty midway through the session worked instantly, the off-spinner striking third-ball when Alok Kapali suffered a judgement haemorrhage and was bowled offering no shot.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Ban v Eng 2003 | England take control
It was found that nitric oxide was linked to a higher rate of brain haemorrhage in the most premature babies - 2.2 pounds (1, 000 grams) or less.
Tim Barter, 32, from Brixton, awoke from a coma 10 days after his 25ft fall with a brain haemorrhage, shattered eye socket, and part of his skull removed.
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He said the crew had to get out of their ambulance to find the flat in Baronson Gardens where 26-day-old Justin, who died of a pulmonary haemorrhage, lived.
The fragility of the Democrats' hold on the incoming American Senate was thrown into sharp focus when Senator Tim Johnson , from South Dakota, suffered a brain haemorrhage.
Dan Chapple founded campaign group Cure the NHS Basildon in March after the death from a brain haemorrhage of his mother, whom he says was not diagnosed in time.
He has failed to halt the steady haemorrhage of believers in many Western countries, although the Catholic Church continues to grow in numbers in parts of Africa and Asia.
WHO, these range from urine retention and haemorrhage to the formation of abscesses and dermoid cysts the size of a football, not to mention painful sex and even more painful childbirth.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
Like his father, Burton died from a cerebral haemorrhage.
BBC: Richard Burton diaries reveal actor's passion and shame
By the late 1980s an increasingly strident Margaret Thatcher was beginning to be seen as an electoral liability by her colleagues - with policies like the poll tax causing the party to haemorrhage support.
While there, Zane will have a special MRI scan, not available in the UK, that will show exactly where the cavernomas are, how likely they are to haemorrhage and what the effects would be.
Although nitric oxide did not reduce the risk of all neurologic complications, only 12% of the infants who received it suffered a severe brain haemorrhage or tissue damage, compared to 24% of those who did not.
"This is a great club and I was shown a great deal of compassion and support during a difficult time in December and January for which I am extremely grateful, " said Van der Sar, whose wife, Annemarie, suffered a brain haemorrhage before Christmas.
"If that bit is right it will get the best out of the audience and the actors, they will all feel it, " says Simon Ashdown, former scriptwriter for EastEnders and responsible for killing off Tiffany Mitchell (hit by car), Ethel Skinner (euthanasia) and Arthur Fowler (brain haemorrhage).
On one side of the debate is the woman who turned up at the airport to celebrate the flight coming in because four years ago she had been trapped on Lewis on a Sunday, unable to travel to see her brother who was dying of a cerebral haemorrhage.