• Microprocessors in your PC, Mac or BlackBerry can pack more than 1, 000 transistors into a space the width of a human hair.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In their bathroom, tubes of hair gel, hair spray bottles, flatirons, blow-dryers, brushes and makeup compacts battled for counter space, with bobby pin casualties scattered on the floor.

    WSJ: Acrylic Nails on the Rifle Range

  • Merida's hair is made up of 1, 500 individually sculpted curves, distinct points in a three-dimensional space, that are programmed to bounce and interact in relation to one another via a new software system, says Ms. Chung.

    WSJ: In 'Brave,' Software Adds Rich Detail

  • What makes traffic in Lagos a hair-raising experience, though, is the aggression and impatience from motorists looking to close up every inch of space on the road, accompanied by the perpetual soundtrack of car horns.

    BBC: Beijing traffic jam

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