And he used the words morals and morality at least half a dozen times.
Do that half a dozen times or so and the paper-clip will snap in two.
They put his finger on a block and hit it half a dozen times with an axe.
New moms and their babies visit a pediatrician at least half a dozen times in a year.
FORBES: Brandon Gutman: Where do you go to get insights and ideas?
She visited Japan half a dozen times and wrote about shibui, which translates roughly as serene good taste.
Vasquez himself has flown through the ITCZ at least half a dozen times.
They attempted to abduct Schiller about half a dozen times, once disguised as ninjas (which the movie pokes fun at).
And "Freedom of Choice" got used by somebody, and "Whip It" has gotten used a half a dozen times for people that...
The world has changed, oh, maybe half a dozen times since FORBES GLOBAL first published its Billionaires list only four years ago.
On average, the short-haul aircraft used by Southwest, a budget carrier based in Dallas, do that half a dozen times a day year in, year out.
Mr Wolfson's most famous skill was to spin full circle up to half a dozen times as he came in on a big wave, a manoeuvre logically known as a 360.
For two months, I watched and listened to him interact with dozens of reporters in conference calls, press breakfasts, live TV appearances from the White House and I have interviewed him half a dozen times this year.
Conversely, I have another friend who loves Las Vegas, and travels there from Boston a half dozen times a year.
Cuker accompanied Giuliani to the golf course and to Yankee Stadium, and talked with him on the phone a half-dozen times a day.
The Virginia Tech students have visited Chardon more than a half dozen times over the past year to promote healing, said Fetchik, wearing a lapel ribbon in the school's red and black colors.
I'd seen it happen a half-dozen times without incident in the past, but that night the audience let out a huge whoop of delight at the sheer cheekiness of Balanchine's choreography.
WSJ: Theatergoers: Can I Get an Amen? | Sightings by Terry Teachout
And when they responded to ecological concerns, it was with a statement from a reef-monitoring group that had to be corrected a half-dozen times over petty matters, like the titles of the people involved.
Those concerns led the company to bring in outside consultants at least a half-dozen times, to look at the ultrasound pictures of arteries being generated by the trial, and to deal with problematic or missing images.
Xi has had more exposure to the U.S. than previous Chinese leaders, having traveled there a half-dozen times and sent his daughter to Harvard, and the two sides now discuss issues ranging from humanitarian relief to shoring up the fragile global economic recovery.
Part of the intellectual rush of lacrosse and feel free to take my words with however many grains of salt necessary because I've handled a lacrosse stick perhaps a half dozen times my whole life, and only for short intervals comes from the sense of control one can experience when a piece of sports equipment becomes an extension of the body.
Females start breeding at four months old and give birth to litters of a half-dozen offspring about four times per year, he said, meaning any poison has to outpace reproduction.