Everyone laughs at me, but I think it's worth coming from half a world away.
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Because I will not allow terrorists to plot against the American people from safe havens half a world away.
The health of people half a world away can be affected by whether those workers have latrines and wash-basins.
Not a faceless call center employee, but a dedicated team member, who just happens to be half a world away.
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His helpers half a world away worked overnight on a schedule imitating an average 9-to-5 workday in the United States.
Or maybe you'd use the same gadget to answer the doorbell and talk to a visitor, even if you're half a world away.
The most obvious is quality control: the market is infested with snake-oil salesmen, and they are harder to spot from half a world away.
The session is held in a conference room down the hall from his office, but many of the attendees are half a world away, participating via teleconference.
Our customers depend on standard parts and designs, so we must maintain consistency and process control among plants and operations that are often a half a world away.
In valleys and villages half a world away, they remember him -- the American who spoke their language, who respected their culture and who helped them defend their country.
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In Brunei, U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher sat down with Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev to discuss the latest developments in the Balkans, half a world away from Asia.
There is a broader threat to the City's status as a financial hub: it may struggle to remain relevant when the biggest engines of economic growth are half a world away.
And we have states in this country where farmers, the hardest working people in this country, can't make their mortgage payments because of things that happened half a world away they didn't have any direct influence on at all.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington
Rescued girls describe how they were recruited by traffickers, the ordeals they endured -- sometimes by men a computer click and half-a-world away -- and how Oebanda saved them.
" It added that Mr. Daisey "has illuminated how our actions affect people half-a-world away and, in doing so, has spurred action to address a troubling situation.
My aim is to try and play the first warm-up game of the World Cup which is still two and a half to three weeks away.