Mr. GHAZI HAMAD (Spokesman, Hamas Organization): We ask the Israeli government not to go to the military escalation in order not to make the situation more complicated.
Instead of concentrating diplomatic efforts on convincing the nations of the world to prevent Iran from acquiring the means to destroy the Jewish state and to dominate the region and the oil economy, Olmert concentrated his diplomatic efforts on strengthening the Fatah terrorist organization against the Hamas terrorist organization.
Led by the self-declared feminist, antiwar group Code Pink, the demonstrators' plan was to enter Gaza from the Egyptian border at Rafah and deliver "humanitarian aid" to the Hamas terrorist organization.
Ever since Israel launched its air campaign last month against targets associated with the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, politicians, diplomats, military experts and pundits have been consumed with a debate over whether the Israeli assault was legitimate.
Some, like Lyndi Gellman(ph), who runs a nonprofit organization, say Hamas is a terrorist organization that can't be trusted.
Moscow is the only member of the quartet that doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization.
Hamas is an organization that has thus far rejected the recognition of Israel as a legitimate state.
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Israel, the United States and other Western countries label Hamas a terrorist organization.
Israel and the U.S. State Department consider Hamas a terrorist organization, though it also operates an extensive social services network.
Israel and the U.S. State Department consider Hamas a terrorist organization, though it also operates an extensive social services network in the territories.
Israel and the U.S. State Department consider Hamas a terrorist organization, and it has carried out many attacks that have killed hundreds of Israeli civilians.
Let's start with the hundreds of incomings Israel has sustained since Mr. Obama was reelected by the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian franchise, the designated terrorist organization Hamas.
The newly announced modus vivendi between the Islamofascist Palestinian organization Hamas and its rival for power, Fatah, has been well-received in parts of Europe and the United Nations.
The operation happened in Bitunya, southwest of Ramallah, where Israeli troops blew up the house of Ahmud Imad, a local leader of the Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist organization Hamas, the source and witness said.
On the other hand, President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, who I think genuinely wants peace, has to deal with Hamas, an organization that has not recognized Israel and has not disavowed violence.
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The President sought to finesse what should properly be understood as an insuperable impediment to peace negotiations between the Israelis and a Palestinian government that includes the Brotherhood's local franchise, the designated terrorist organization Hamas.
The negotiations between Palestine and Israel have yet to define a territory, and a key part of the territory contemplated by the U.N. vote, Gaza, is actually controlled not by the Palestinian Authority, but by the terrorist organization Hamas.
Both Israel and the United States consider Hamas a terrorist organization and have voiced strong opposition to the inclusion of the group in any unity government, demanding that it first renounce violence, recognize the state of Israel and abide by all previous agreements.
CNN: Obama announces 'new chapter' in U.S. Mideast diplomacy
The United States, Israel, and the European Union list Hamas as a terrorist organization.
Take, for example, the cease-fire between Israel and the Brotherhood's Palestinian franchise - the designated terrorist organization, Hamas.
Never mentioning the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization, Carter claimed that the deal will enhance Palestinian democracy.
They explain that Egypt fears that Hamas - a sister organization of its own Muslim Brotherhood - will destabilize it.
Unfortunately, the chaos will likely shortly give way to a Taliban-style repressive regime led by the Islamist terrorist organization, Hamas.
The United States and European Union list Hamas as a terrorist organization.
In the course of the show, Vickers refused to renounce or otherwise to disassociate himself or his organization from Hamas, Hezbollah or even al-Qaeda.
Worse yet, CAIR, ISNA and NAIT were named, among other American-Muslim groups, as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation's conspiracy to finance a designated terrorist organization: Hamas.
The IICDR was banned in Israel in 2008 for its collaboration with Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi 's Union for Good in the funding of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization, Hamas.
Hamas remains a terror organization that targets innocent people.
The State Department lists Hamas as a terrorist organization.
In the former case, it is inarguable that by destroying Hamas's military installations, killing its military commanders and incapacitating its weapons smuggling infrastructure, the IDF is weakening Hamas as a military organization.