Security Council members hold more meetings today to try to hammeroutanagreement for a proposed cease-fire resolution to help stop the war between Israel and Hezbollah.
The election has been postponed twice already because of a lack of quorum, as rival camps - the anti-Syrians and the pro-Syrians - try to hammeroutanagreement outside parliament.
New York City, the country's largest school district, is one of only a handful of districts in the state that lost money because it failed to hammeroutanagreement with its union by a Jan. 17 deadline.
The Justice Department convened a meeting with Gulf Coast state officials in Washington late last week in an effort to hammeroutan offer to resolve the outstanding civil claims, but anagreement wasn't reached, said a person familiar with the negotiations.
Washington (CNN) -- Business and labor negotiators working to hammerout a deal on an immigrant guest worker program have reached broad agreement, a source familiar with the talks said Saturday, eliminating one major hurdle to legislation revamping the nation's immigration system.