For their superhuman efforts, they lived hand-to-mouth and month-to-month, just a few steps above welfare.
In chess, although many would-be professionals lead a hand-to-mouth existence, the very top players can become millionaires.
They live in near-constant silence, stoically bearing the drudgery of their hand-to-mouth existence.
If the industry is continually kind of hand-to-mouth in terms of its profits, you're not going to see the big investments.
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But Hershey executives say their "hand-to-mouth" products are boosting company sales because people eat their candy more often, not necessarily more each time.
The findings of the inspection team include poor financial management such as "hand-to-mouth" budgets with the authority lurching from one financial crisis to another.
We were pretty much living hand-to-mouth until Big John came along.
Instead, opportunities for jobs and advancement remain close to zero, and the vast majority of people continue to live a hand-to-mouth existence by American standards.
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Even authorisation of ordinary spending (the government lives hand-to-mouth, as most of this year's budget has not been yet passed) is being taken to the brink.
Vast mounds of rubbish fester on the city's streets where the truly destitute sift for scraps of aluminium or plastic to sell in a hand-to-mouth struggle to survive.
For regular folks it seemed hand-to-mouth as usual, but soon I became aware of something new stirring: a tidal wave of foreign capital was bearing down on Haiti's shores.
WSJ: Ben Fountain on Haiti After the Earthquake | Traveler's Tale
After that it will be producing "hand to mouth" - bringing salt up from hundreds of metres underground.
Twentysomethings spend their days rearing children, living hand to mouth in Asia, and working sixty-hour weeks on Wall Street.
Middle-class people do not live from hand to mouth, job to job, season to season, as the poor do.
Because I still have a deathly fear of offending someone or talking about something way off-topic, I often hold my hand over my mouth in meetings to keep from speaking.