Frequent hand-washing and staying home from school or work when sick will be crucial.
Bringing together all those concerned with encouraging hand-washing turned out to be a revelation.
Might the problem be more like a compulsion than an addiction, more like compulsive hand-washing than alcoholism?
"Hand-washing can be the most powerful weapon on earth, " says New York University infection expert Philip M.
This means that when properly cared for (read: dry cleaning or hand-washing), silk bedding can last for many years.
Now the World Bank is backing a programme in Ghana to promote hand-washing.
As it stands, hand-washing connoisseurs can begin placing orders for the Tap come February 5th, and the others in May.
Schools, day-care centers, and gyms may harbor the germ -- one reason it's important to get children in the hand-washing habit.
The counter-measures it recommends, such as hand-washing, appear to present only an isolated obstacle to the perilous progress of the disease.
One deal brought Lornamead both hand-washing liquid Dubro and lip balm Lypsyl.
China's government has also advised people to maintain good personal hygiene, including frequent hand-washing and avoid direct contact with sick or dead animals.
The one-millimeter projection was hardly visible, Mr. Betts said, but it was enough to "catch a rag if someone was hand-washing" the car.
As of 2011, the facility had met its goals in all nine categories listed for outpatient health services, including for hand-washing, medication labeling and preventing certain medical errors.
Doctors advise using "simple but effective" hygiene measures such as frequent hand-washing, covering your mouth with a tissue when coughing and sneezing, and putting the tissue into a bin.
The Chinese government has stepped up its disease surveillance, and has advised people to maintain good personal hygiene, including frequent hand-washing and avoiding direct contact with sick or dead animals.
Psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz at UCLA puts patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder through a series of exercises to focus their brains on, say, working or playing music, instead of on behaviors such as obsessive hand-washing.
If watching all that tired you out, you could retreat to see the Laundrettas, offering hand-washing, gin and tonics and general pampering "because we like dressing as 1950s clothes and being bored housewives".
Together they have, for instance, understood that Ghanaians prefer liquid to solid soap for hand-washing and are more likely to wash their hands before eating if the soap does not smell too strong (since Ghanaians often eat with their hands).
Norovirus spreads easily via contaminated food or drinking water, but a more insidious route is from a person touching a surface contaminated with the residue of stool or vomit from an infected person and then touching his or her mouth before hand-washing.
His hand-held vacuums are outfitted with blazing-fast digital motors, his washing machines (no longer in production) with Formula One race-car bearings.
"We are changing every tap on every clinical hand washing basin in every neo-natal unit in Northern Ireland, " he explained.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers as an alternative to hand washing when soap and water aren't available.
Also included in Vancouver's arsenal against H1N1: millions of doses of Tamiflu anti-viral medication and media campaigns promoting hand washing.