On the board of Anheuser-Busch--and of hundreds of other publicly traded, family dominated corporations--some hand-wringing.
The latest hand-wringing about Pentagon cuts reflects what is now a deep-seated reflex among industry executives.
FORBES: GOP Electoral Victory In 2012 Could Rescue Defense Industry
If that day comes to landline broadband and video, it will be after much hand-wringing.
FORBES: The Netflix Effect: Results From A Revealing Study in Canada
There is plenty more hand-wringing about whatever is becoming to our increasingly ADD world.
In fact, much of the recent hand-wringing about widening inequality is based on sloppy thinking.
The absent California voter has been the subject of much hand-wringing in recent years.
As the hurricane season officially resumes, so does the hand-wringing over the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
And now as we get closer to the vote, there is a lot of hand-wringing going on.
There was a lot of hue and cry, a lot of fulminating and hand-wringing, but nothing actually happened.
There's still a lot of hand-wringing inside the company about interacting with hostile customers in a public forum.
Other clusters caused internal hand-wringing, according to interviews with current and former IRS officials, and were handled more quietly.
In two months he put an end to the hand-wringing that had gone on for more than a year.
Not surprisingly, the latest unemployment report has elicited all sorts of hand-wringing over the future jobs' picture for today's workers.
There's been a lot of hand-wringing this year about the rising cost of food and how this is squeezing household budgets.
In her presence, though, they revert to gushing, hand-wringing teens who show their excitement through nervous laughter, professions of adoration or tears.
CNN: At 75, Judy Blume draws crowds with first film adaptation
For the most part, such hand-wringing over doctrine is beside the point.
Despite all the recent hand-wringing about Sarbanes-Oxley and the migration of listings to London and elsewhere, the ADR market continues to grow.
Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair has some advice for investors in regards to Apple shares: Stop the hand-wringing and buy the stock.
Hence decades worth of hand-wringing over the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the (current) closing of large areas of the North Slope to oil drilling.
There's been much recent hand-wringing in Silicon Valley about how the United States is lagging behind other countries in developing future software engineers.
Given the magnitude of the danger thus posed, it is astounding that the world's response to date seems confined to rhetorical hand-wringing and diplomatic maneuvering.
Our stories have conclusions, none of this on-the-one-hand -- on-the-other-hand hand-wringing.
So why is there so much hand-wringing about Mr Martin's spending?
In other countries, this might be a subject for liberal hand-wringing.
There has been plenty of hand-wringing since Major League Baseball announced the addition of another wild-card team from each league, expanding its playoffs to 10 from eight.
WSJ: New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox to Get Wild-Card Boost
The howls and hand-wringing over global capitalism and its trapdoors of "hot money, " hedge fund hocus-pocus and derivative meltdowns have won headlines for shouters like George Soros.
Speaking on CBS's "Face the Nation, " Jon Kyl, Arizona's junior senator -- also a Republican -- said "hand-wringing" about the situation in Iraq would not win the war.
"For all the drama and hand-wringing about China and Middle East investment, they haven't broken into the top 50, " says Todd Malan, OFII's president and chief executive officer.
Despite all their hand-wringing over Rio's latest tragedy, Brazil's politicians may still lack the will to push through the measures that are so plainly needed to curb violent crime.
ECONOMIST: Brazil grapples with crime, punishment and policing