Not the Wallenbergs, where the fifth generation hopes to hand over to the sixth.
ECONOMIST: The Wallenbergs: Sweden's enduring business dynasty | The
With the gratification of being able to hand over to a friend and colleague of more than twenty years.
But this success has been threatened by Mr Ecevit's prolonged ill health and refusal to hand over to a successor.
Eventually we are going to hand over to those local populations through Afghan national security forces and the army and police.
They cover their own expenses but are expected to hand over to the government sports agency a smaller part of their earnings.
If the market takes off and they sold calls, they get stuck having to buy expensive shares to hand over to the buyers.
"We have reached the basement and in a couple of days we should be able to hand over to local officials, " he said.
The Americans have given us 26 more prisoners today, and they still have more prisoners which they will hand over to us soon.
Do the Germans feel a strong enough sense of solidarity with European neighbours to hand over to those neighbours what some will see as blank cheque?
But if Mr de Klerk had plans to hand over to a younger man, he was deterred by the rancour within the party over its future direction.
In many respects, it's difficult to comprehend the fact that it's actually a real phone and not some plastic replica that you hand over to your toddler.
Councils are grabbing an increasing share of rising land prices by bumping up the amount of social housing developers must build as part of a new scheme and hand over to the local housing association.
After all, maintenance and service contracts help build and keep cash flow from customer channels, and it is not enough to simply have them sign off on such contracts to hand over to the support department.
The other portrays Mr Brown's hostility to the euro as part of an unrelenting campaign to undermine Mr Blair until the prime minister finally decides to throw in the towel and hand over to Mr Brown.
ECONOMIST: Tony Blair and Gordon Brown can't go on like this
It was no coincidence, perhaps, that Mr Berlusconi then seemed to find fresh enthusiasm for the rough and tumble of political life - having previously hinted that he, too, was ready to hand over to a younger man.
Google, it should be noted, remains one of just a few companies that voluntarily release data about the information they hand over to governments for surveillance purposes, along with Twitter, Dropbox, and the California Internet service provider
The holes in wi-fi security may be patched, but the recent high profile data breaches at companies like Sony show that we are all going to need to think carefully about what we hand over to the cloud.
"The information we hand over to companies like Google paints a detailed picture of who we are - from our political and religious views to our friendships, associations and locations, " said Privacy International's head of international advocacy, Carly Nyst.
Last week's hearing before a special master overseeing the collection of evidence in the antitrust case came just days after Intel admitted it made mistakes in its effort to preserve documents that it is required to hand over to AMD's lawyers (see "Intel's Missing Memos").
And we were forced to take those steps largely without the help of an opposition party, which, unfortunately, after having presided over the decision-making that had led to the crisis, decided to hand it over to others to solve.
Ditto if some family members regret their decision now to hand over control to News Corp.
The British, who have led the force, plan to hand over leadership to the Turks.
For one, greed will always stoke credulity and lead the foolish to hand over wealth to the clever.
FORBES: Success Without Social Value: What Happened with Groupon?
The United States is scheduled to hand over power to an interim Iraqi government at midnight on June 30.
It is looking to hand over security to the Malian government and to a soon-to-be created United Nations peacekeeping force.
Regulations drawn up by Scottish ministers require landlords and letting agents to hand over deposits to an approved third party for safekeeping.
BBC: Landlords urged to meet tenancy deposit scheme deadline
America's concessions on Iraq, especially its efforts to hand over sovereignty to Iraqis as soon as possible, have also pleased the French.
Although the Doctor is ready to hand over Jex to the gunslinger, Amy gives him a talking-to, and he instead defends Jex.