William signed his name, his hand shaking only a little, and Bridey signed hers.
His trip to a poor estate in Glasgow in 2002 for a by election turned out to be more than the usual hand shaking, envelope stuffing, door knocking political trip for the then Conservative leader.
Amid the backslapping and hand-shaking, there was no talk about Iraq and no mention of President Bush.
My yoke hand is shaking as I sit solo in my Cessna, about to depart Lawrence--and Glen.
Driscoll, on the other hand had trouble shaking the "outsider" label and establishing credibility in the community, having only recently moved there.
During a recent visit to CNN Center in Atlanta, fans swarmed him, taking pictures and shaking his hand.
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To one side stood a photo of a youthful Harouni in a receiving line shaking the hand of Jawaharlal Nehru.
And while I was walking along the rope line -- it was a big crowd, about 3, 000 -- a young woman in uniform was shaking my hand and other people were grabbing and taking pictures.
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"When you have people saying thank you (by coming) to your home to swing a hammer and paint a wall, it says something different than shaking your hand and buying you a drink, " said Gallina, 34.
There is absolutely no way that this could ever be construed to include a shaking of the hand.
Davis, shaking his right hand after missing an alley-oop dunk in traffic, came back seconds later with a layup as he was fouled by World Peace.
Mr. Levine also has a form of Parkinsonism, related to Parkinson's disease, that, along with the medication used to treat it, has contributed to shaking in his left hand.
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Badges used to be pinned on an attendee's shirt, he recalls, and industry experts debated endlessly about whether the badge should be attached on the right or the left, thus easily viewed when shaking someone's hand.
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Shaking like a rag in her hand-me-downs and in the shoes that were four sizes too big!
"Some of them reach their hand out to the mouse and it's shaking, " says Graham.
"The video is a hand-held camera, so it's shaking and looking a lot worse than it is, " said teammate Gavin Nachbar.
With orange soda and food in hand, we scuttled through the boisterous crowd, shaking our hips and nodding at the people we passed as we held our plates overhead.
People nearby heard her screams after the shaking stopped and removed the cinder blocks entrapping her by hand.
The Chinese stall representative responds by shaking her head angrily and pointing to the original price on the calculator in her left hand.