He was arrested under the Terrorism Act and handcuffed, with his arms held behind his back.
Amanda and the children were kept upstairs as he was handcuffed and led away.
He says Iraqi police commandos, under the Ministry of Interior, blindfolded him and handcuffed him.
Qaraqe added that Abu Hamdiya was handcuffed when he was admitted to the hospital last week.
She said she was handcuffed and flown to a detention center in El Paso, Texas.
Women may also find that they can be handcuffed by non-competes more than men.
Security Council seems to be handcuffed, passing resolutions that don't make a difference on the ground.
Mr Betondi said he was handcuffed and lifted on to a plane by five security guards.
But as police handcuffed the older brother, the younger brother barreled toward them in the carjacked SUV.
He was then interrogated at an FBI office for several hours, handcuffed and chained to a chair.
He has been handcuffed and escorted into the back of a police cruiser more than 50 times.
But outside of the 48 hours following an earnings report, Nasdaq remains tightly handcuffed to European drama.
Chong contorted himself to shift his handcuffed arms from behind his back to the front, Iredale said.
"They handcuffed me so tightly I felt that one of my wrists was going to break, " he said.
There is a process where the securities firms are handcuffed from allowing their clients to sell right away.
Ten defendants entered the court handcuffed and were seated in two rows flanked by four uniformed police officers.
The officers handcuffed her, recited her Miranda rights, and took away her gun.
An inmate I knew was handcuffed by a few guards and told he had a meeting with the warden.
FORBES: Imprisoned Jeffrey Skilling (Enron) Loses 20 year-old Son In Overdose
But before the officer who handcuffed our son left, I demanded an apology.
Witnesses told CNN the man was put into a police car and driven away, but he was not handcuffed.
The eight Somalis were led off a prison bus in a double line, handcuffed to each other in pairs.
The court claim, filed by attorney Jack Yankowitz, said Wilson was handcuffed and held in a room at P.
Under French law, suspects may not be shown handcuffed, nor their faces exposed.
All four appeared in the dock at a special sitting of Ballymena Magistrates Court, handcuffed and flanked by five police officers.
Wall Street sank lower Wednesday afternoon, as oil prices crept to record highs and investors were handcuffed by mixed economic reports.
He said police officers later handcuffed and arrested Levers while he was on the floor, but noticed he was not moving.
Masked police presented a handcuffed Toth before reporters in Managua on Monday.
The dishevelled, fraught-looking Mr Strauss-Kahn was paraded in front of the cameras, handcuffed, a move New York authorities defended as standard practice.
Finally, he thrust out his hands, as if asking to be handcuffed.
The three defendants stood expressionless in court, each handcuffed behind the back.