Despite its diversity, Levine believes Hands All Over is the group's most cohesive album yet.
On Thursday, Linda McDougall, a former colleague of Hall's, told the BBC he was "one of these people who had his hands all over you".
Guest host Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Adam Levine and Jesse Carmichael about the group's new and third studio album, "Hands All Over, " which is a mix of funk, soul, rock and country.
Or it can hope that the left in power will in time become as arrogant as the right was before it, and offer the right a role as a fresh pair of safe hands all over again.
From its urethane foam in the track, polymer fibres in the super-fast hockey pitches, materials in walls, floors and roofs of stadia and insulation technology in the broadcast and electricity wiring cables to technology in the signage in the controversial Games Lanes, the company's hands are all over London 2012.
Looking at a chair, his hands would be all over the rails and the struts.
If you dig a little deeper this looks extremely opportunistic on the part of NTL. It s got the slimey hands of investment bankers all over it.
She wrote all over her hard tiny hands with ballpoint pen: telephone numbers, silly faces that changed their expression when she moved her fingers.
Which makes one wonder: where are all the economists, wringing their hands over cost-benefit analyses of these defense expenditures?
After looking all over the country, Brian finally got his hands on his pride and joy from much closer to home.
Six months of treatment with toxic interleukin-2, one of the only treatments for advanced kidney cancer, had eroded nerves in her hands and feet, caused frequent vomiting and made her skin peel all over--but did nothing to slow the tumors' relentless growth.
But all that cash, handed over in crumpled wads by calloused hands, has made Western Union a tempting target for regulators, politicians and advocates for the indigent.
"Obesity is a nationwide problem, and all over the United States, public health officials are wringing their hands saying, 'oh, this is terrible, '" Mayor Bloomberg told The New York Times.
When I was over at the Hillcrest school -- Buddy and I were over there a few minutes ago -- I was shaking hands with all these little kids out there.
Given the vulnerability of paper and print before the arrival of the internet, it is not surprising that those who valued the transmission of information over time included oral or experiential transmission of skills in all kinds of hands-on, practical settings among the sources of lasting knowledge to be treasured.
BBC: A Point of View: Why didn't Harry Potter just use Google?
The top rankings are reserved for insurers that can quickly lay hands on enough cash to cover all possible policy redemptions two to two-and-a-half times over.
In over two thirds (67% on average) of all cases of children killed at the hands of another person, the parent is the principal suspect, the NSPCC said.