Thanks for increasing my anxieties about the possibility of living happily ever after, Lisa.
Outside the rarified realm of high-end matchmakers, of course, love is simple and everyone lives happily ever after.
Whatever happened to the American dream of going to college, landing a great job and living happily ever after?
Huge factories, huge apartment blocks, I don't think everyone lives happily ever after.
But the fact is that diets don't help you eat happily ever after.
Escape to a land far, far away, have a kiss to break the magical spell and live happily ever after.
The amount of money you would need to be able to walk away from it all and just live happily ever after.
Trade deficits will disappear and the world will live happily ever after.
And maybe even beyond that, depending on their next batch of extensions, Mickey Mouse and Disney will continue to have a happily ever after.
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Companies that agree on a clear strategy and management structure before they tie the knot stand a better chance of living happily ever after.
"I'm praying that someone finds the ticket, brings it forward and gets rewarded - and from there we all live happily ever after, " she said.
If you are looking for a bed of roses where the "prince and princess live happily ever after, " then you are living in a dream.
Escape to paradise, and get ready to live happily ever after.
When there's no happily ever after, revisionism can really set in.
He reads that Amy and Rory had lived happily ever after.
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Fortunately for Ms. Kelly (after grudgingly realizing he was just as human as she was), she hooked up with Mr. Fox and they lived happily ever after.
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"Oh, the guy gets the girl, they fall in love, happily ever after, babies come, I thought that was one way of being loved, " said Monroe, now 26.
It's enough to say that Guy and Girl may or may not be destined to live happily ever after, and that "Once" portrays their should-we-shouldn't-we difficulties with unexpected honesty.
Alisa Bowman estimates that only about 300 of her 50, 000 monthly visitors bought her recent memoir, Project Happily Ever After: Saving Your Marriage When the Fairy Tale Falters.
Not to worry, though, for Miss Honey (Lauren Ward), a poor but kindly schoolteacher who fully appreciates her young charge's talents, which turn out to include telekinesis, helps Matilda vanquish the wicked and live happily ever after.
And so, when I arrived to work to find a book on my desk called Seeking Happily Ever After: Navigating The Ups And Downs of BEING SINGLE Without Losing Your Mind I was feeling a little Twilight Zone-y.
What, then, prevents Afghanistan from living happily ever after, with a generous dose of aid and a degree of international protection in the form of the International Security Assistance Force, which at present comprises about 4, 500 soldiers from 18 countries?
And we lived happily ever after.
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Alisa Bowman, author of Project Happily Ever After: Saving Your Marriage When the Fairy Tale Falters and the founder of a blog dedicated to improving marriages, has said that once she and her husband embarked on a project to save their marriage, which was chronicled in her book, they actually argued more.
However, Wang's recent announcement has caused speculation as to whether her fairy-tale aesthetic will be affected by her own not-so-happily-ever-after ending.
Because your co-director Alan Mak didn't seem terribly impressed, for a start he thought it was really, really similar to your original, and also he just didn't like the happily-ever-after ending.