She was celebrating her 35th birthday and the crowd sang happy birthday to her.
My dead Facebook friends still get happy birthday wishes and cheerful photos posted on their walls.
Bake up a batch this weekend, and lift a glass to wish Sam a happy birthday!
Norman, you need to join Facebook or I may never wish you a happy birthday again.
My colleagues and a couple of waiters then sang "Happy Birthday" with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
Putin also wished Bush a happy birthday and wished the U.S. a happy Independence Day.
CNN: President Bush celebrates his birthday with a round of golf
"Happy Birthday" is a comical, booze-fueled romp, set in a dicey bar in Newark, N.
Fifteen seconds - a good thing to remember is you could sing "Happy Birthday" twice in that period of time.
Free conference call services mean your entire clan can sing happy birthday to you at the same time.
As a former Girl Scout I am thrilled to wish the Girl Scout Organization a 100th Happy Birthday!
All of which led to the first happy birthday of his 5-year-old existence.
So to Thoroughbred racing, happy new year, and to the horses, happy birthday.
He even remembered one congregation member's birthday and sang happy birthday to them.
Now, imagine how groovy Happy Birthday sounds when strummed on that island instrument.
FORBES: Buffett's Birthday Splurge: To Mark Year 82, Buffett Pledges $1 Billion To Kids' Charities
When we're done, before I leave, we're going to sing happy birthday, okay?
It is not uncommon to see young people singing Happy Birthday or organizing other public displays of affection in Moscow.
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That means you should stand there at the sink for as long as it takes to sing happy birthday twice.
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"Happy Birthday" would have a radically different effect if the bar contained only a handful of grumpy drinkers who were scattered randomly about the stage.
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We are guilty of that most inexcusable of social misdemeanors, failing to wish a dear friend Happy Birthday on the actual day marking their birthday.
FORBES: Happy Belated Birthday, Spider! (SPY Celebrates 20th Anniversary Amidst ETF Boom)
Chris Bosh was twice regaled by "Happy Birthday" singing from fans.
Lea Goldman, deputy editor at Marie Claire, found herself not only wondering about the people who didn't wish her a happy birthday, but those who did.
Our aim is to allow as many people to wish him a happy birthday this way letting him know he has a back-up of so many.
FORBES: Thousands Wish Steve Jobs Happy Birthday On Web Site
He also joined the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday" to U.S. Olympic swimmer Missy Franklin, who was celebrating turning 18 at a golf club south of Denver.
And at 74, Cheeta has exceeded the average life expectancy for a chimpanzee in captivity by nearly a quarter-century, which makes this a very happy birthday indeed.
For her 15th birthday, Ms. Robinson's friends surprised her by dressing it up with green and silver bows, blue and silver ribbon, and a big "Happy Birthday" balloon.
He also played "Happy Birthday, " perhaps having conferred with Jones.
Happy Birthday was sung (in French, English, the local Wolof, and a fourth language this author has yet to determine), homemade cake was unveiled and dance moves were displayed.
Age was also on the minds of those watching Rafael Nadal on Monday, with the Parisian crowd singing 'Happy Birthday' to a man who celebrated his 27th birthday in style.
The Yale fans serenaded Malcolm with "Happy Birthday" during one stoppage in play, and the 24-year-old goalie celebrated by taking turning away Yale's nemesis one breathtaking stop at a time.