This is most certainly not a hard-and-fast rule, in general I've found it to be accurate.
There are no hard-and-fast rules that determine if an IaaS cloud will provide savings to your business.
Turner says it's very difficult to provide hard-and-fast earnings estimates for Northern Peru in these early days.
Faced with this untidy set of choices, a sensible philosophy would not make hard-and-fast judgments about what businesses belong together.
ECONOMIST: The contract between society and banks will get stricter
According to Robert Smith, the BBBC general secretary, there is no hard-and-fast rule preventing 28-year-old Robb from holding a licence.
The alternative to such hard-and-fast exclusions is a system of priority points for operations, as was recently introduced in New Zealand.
Enter the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which has become the first authority to pass hard-and-fast rules for liquidity since the crisis.
And the tricky clinical particulars of any given resuscitation mean that the paper cannot give rise to hard-and-fast rules about exactly how long doctors should persist.
For one thing, there is ample time for reversals between now and April 25, particularly given that even supposedly hard-and-fast positions are evidently subject to change without notice.
There is no hard-and-fast decision rule or trigger mechanism to which he or she must adhere in deciding whether supply conditions in the oil market justify an intervention.
FORBES: Will Obama Pull The Trigger On The Strategic Petroleum Reserve?
While not a hard-and-fast rule, she says, women are more likely than men to get swept into a partnership by personal affinity for someone without looking at the business reasons for partnership.
The truth is that there can surely be no hard-and-fast rule for a country as diverse as America, 7% of whose population in a typical year will be exposed, according to Robert Ursano of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, to a traumatic event.
And never mind, really, that millions of dollars in orders would be booked and hard-and-fast opinions formed (and passed along to consumers) on what in most businesses would be regarded as dangerously sketchy information, open to many shades of manipulation and absolutely certain--by its nature--to change dramatically.
Not only are Iomega's award-winning eGo Portable Hard Drives super fast and super rugged, they're head-turners, too.
ENGADGET: Iomega pushes ahead with USB 3.0 transition, promises to keep drives at USB 2.0 prices
If we had all the money in the world, we'd still want a toy in the garage, a sort of stealth sports car we could knock about in fast and hard--then park it on the street without fear.
In order for the Marine Corps to remain the Nation's preeminent expeditionary force, it needs to be versatile, fast-moving, and hard-hitting so it can avoid large, set-piece battles through prompt and vigorous action during the conflict?s incipient stages.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The misguided howl'er over the Growler
The recent hot spell had left the course fast-running and bone-hard before the rain took the edge off for the first round.
But politics is a hard profession, and November's mid-term congressional and gubernatorial elections are fast approaching.
Indeed, the action pounds so thick and fast, it's a relief when hard-working composer John Powell grants us a brief reprieve for a brutal hand-to-hand scrap scored only to thumps, bumps and grunts.
The Hondurans came hard and fast and with style, playing the sort of pro-active game Klinsmann, a former German superstar, has been trying to get the U.S. to play.
While there are no hard and fast rules, option pools for early stage companies with high-growth potential often provide for a pool of option shares that would represent between 15%-20% of the total outstanding shares of the company.
The 6-foot junior guard went diving past photographers in pursuit of a loose ball less than 2 minutes in and crashed hard into the basket support when he was fouled on a fast-break dunk attempt.
These standards are hard and fast rules that make it impossible for, say, an airline-mechanic crew at LaGuardia Airport to give into the demands of impatient pilots and passengers when something appears to be not quite right with the landing gear on a departing plane.
FORBES: Memo to New SEC Chief: Ask the FAA How to Stop the Next Flash Crash
There is no hard and fast rule about how often and how long one must engage in self-affirmation for it to work.
That said, both NAM and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce want to see the Doha talks resumed, and they're pushing hard for a renewal of the president's fast-track authority.
According to Hilco Real Estate's Mr. Nagrani, unprofitable fast-food locations are having a hard time selling their sites to other franchisees and shutting their doors instead.
Or online-shopping sites with real-time inventory synchronization, or real-time banking and investment systems, or thousands of other examples of the new face of the new data warehouse: always on, open to as many as possible, blindingly fast, and increasingly designed for the consumer as much as for the hard-core data junkie.
FORBES: Data Warehouse 2.0: The 10 Top Trends Driving the Revolution
When Gutenberg invented the printing press, he created a legacy that will be hard to dismiss in a matter of e-years (since time goes by so fast between new apps and phones).
FORBES: Guy Kawasaki to Traditional Publishers: Your Days are Numbered
Hard won, in a fast-moving socially networked age, a reputation can be lost very quickly, and old higher education powers cannot rest on their laurels as newer institutions, with strong financial backing and dynamic leadership, are challenging the old guard.