Hard-headed stubbornness is not s trait that people generally admire in others, politicians or otherwise.
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He was a lifelong Democrat, a representative of that dying breed, the hard-headed cold war liberal.
But perhaps above all it fits with his post-Bin Laden projection as a hard-headed risk taker.
The National Intelligence Council, however, is about as hard-headed an organisation as can be imagined.
When I became a local radio reporter, I delivered my first voice piece to the hard-headed news editor.
But his refreshingly hard-headed approach (confined to Britain, but easily adapted to other countries) comes to some sobering conclusions.
With even the opposition in Britain urging a "hard-headed" approach to the EU's problems David Cameron has little room for manoeuvre.
While the wine committee's analysis is clearly hard-headed, there is some evidence that it is not entirely immune to external political pressures.
Until now, vice-chancellors and student leaders have insisted that universities are not about hard-headed seller-buyer relationships but about high-minded partnerships for learning.
Madura is a barren island, and the Madurese are known throughout Indonesia for being hard-headed survivors who are ready to fight for their living.
Richard possessed a hard-headed, clear-eyed realism about how the world works.
But I don't blame him, you now, New Orleanians sometimes are hard-headed, and sometimes you have to speak directly and clearly in the way that they understand it.
Warm-hearted but soft-headed, maybe: but better than being cold-hearted and hard-headed.
Now it has begun to seep into the more hard-headed, vote-scrounging parts of the Republican Party, and become common chatter among political operatives from both parties.
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Bridging the gap between creativity and hard-headed business strategy is a process that, when perfected, can yield results that both inspire emotions and bloat bank accounts.
It not only guarantees a wider audience, but also helps consolidate the hard-headed sponsors who want to see a return for their investment in the new venture.
"Our membership has arisen and has been maintained because of a hard-headed, calculated and pragmatic decision by successive governments, including successive leaders of the Conservative Party, " he said.
It is about practical, hard-headed co-operation between two sovereign countries.
Germany did not become a role model by being hard-headed.
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Council leader Vivien Pengelly called it a "hard-headed commercial deal".
For this gamble to pay the sorts of long-term returns the Bush Administration hopes for, however, it must be rooted in hard-headed realism, based on transparency and practical measures.
The surprising object lesson: hard-headed Scotland, which in the 17th century attempted to build an overland trading route across the isthmus of Panama starting in an area known as Darien.
Discredited supply-side ideology ran headlong into hard-headed accounting.
Even when he eventually comes to terms with Bowerman's tactics and sets a new standard for himself, it's viewed as another hard-headed victory for Steve rather than the combined accomplishment of two very different men.
So far, it is still Mr McCain's plan, which explicitly aims to pay for the transition to a partly privatised retirement system and places more emphasis on debt reduction, that remains the more hard-headed on the Republican side.
Or, in the case of Merritt, a self-conscious artist in the best sense, he knows that the accretion of detail over the course of these 13 songs has resulted in a realism that is vivid, hard-headed and never half-hearted.
And they would help deal with the "28 or more different state services that come calling at the door" so that rather than a string of "disconnected" officials, they could get a "clear hard-headed recognition of how the family is going wrong".
Mr. RANDY SCHEUNEMANN (McCain's Foreign Policy Adviser): Senator McCain does approach his any proposed use of American force not with some kind of ideological litmus test but with a hard-headed assessment of what are the interests at stake, what are the values threatened, what can any proposed use of military achieve.
Applicants had to be proven seamen, hard-working and level-headed, with a spotless criminal record (Houston uses private investigators to check up on that).