EU. Yet forging a common policy is hard, and centre-right governments may prove no better than have those of the left at balancing the benefits offered by the free movement of labour against voters' fears, often irrational, about threats to national identity.
But it is hard to visit the centre without feeling like Charlie Bucket (or, if you lack self-restraint, Augustus Gloop).
But Edinburgh's fortunes as a banking centre would be hard to revive.
That statistic would have been hard to believe when the city centre came to a halt on a couple of warm summer evenings in June 2005.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: Street Politics
Edinburgh has faltered as a financial centre since, and would be hard to revive.
Were an election held now his centre-left government would find it hard to squeeze back into power.
His expectation is that Mr Clinton, weakened by scandal, will let things be, while he himself continues to mollify his hard right with new settlements and pacify his soft centre with professions of loyalty to Oslo.
Mr Griffin has already upset the hard core by dragging the party fractionally closer to the centre ground.
But it might be best to think hard about the route chosen to deliver them to the conference centre.
Once the centre of the Caribbean slave trade, Curacao was hard hit by the abolition of slavery in 1863.
Newly elected Gwynedd councillor Endaf Cooke, also owns a fish and chip business in the town centre, welcomed the changes and acknowledged the "hard work" which had been done by a steering group.
But, having steered the League so far to the right, it is hard to see how he could join an opposition dominated by the centre-left Democratic Party.
Scientists would need to know where the centre of gravity of any incoming asteroid was and how hard to hit it to deflect it without splitting it up.
She campaigned hard in the 1980s to add a building dedicated to dance to the Music Centre's cluster of auditoriums in central Los Angeles, but could not raise the money.
He has tried hard to find a job, and every week goes for training at the job centre.
Either way, Mr Hollande faces hard bargaining with an uncompromising leftist just when he needs to appeal to the moderate centre to secure a majority.
It is hard to tell which side of Strasbourg will prevail on 29 May - the happy European centre or the frustrated French outskirts.
At the same time, many Kurds are deeply concerned lest the instability racking the centre and south of the country spills over into the north, endangering their hard-won gains.
For all the satisfaction offered by a job at the centre of government, and despite greater flexibility over pay, it may be hard to lure in high-flyers from the business world.
The thinking behind his three centre-back formation is that Brazil press opponents back, with the strikers working hard to regain possession of the ball close to the opposing goal.
David Vikturek, who runs The Music Man heritage centre in Mason City, believes that the traditional Iowan virtues of neighbourliness, thrift and hard work will somehow help America prevail, even in a world where its economic problems are complex and deep-seated.
BBC: Optimism and virtue: What the Midwest wants in a leader
At the centre of both attacks will be a government that did little to create the current mess and has tried hard to find solutions to it.