That doesn't sound like a herculean task to Americans who make hard choices every day.
Our Founders believed only in incremental change, in hard choices, in the give-and-take of inter-branch negotiation.
The burden then falls on young platoon leaders in the field to make hard choices.
It's put off hard choices in spending bill after spending bill, budget after bloated budget.
If the swap works, and the border stays calm, Hizbullah will find itself facing hard choices.
All of this is the difficult politics of ambitious change - the hard choices of implementation.
It's a budget that makes hard choices about where to save and where to spend.
With a six month migration period ahead, developers and users may have hard choices to make.
ENGADGET: Twitter's API v1.1 rules put user caps on third party clients, exert more control overall
And you know that progress comes from hard choices and hard work, not miracles.
But it is at least a genuine example of the hard choices Mr Blair has promised.
Many of us met repeatedly -- asking tough questions, challenging our own assumptions and making hard choices.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Defense Strategic Review
In the budget sent up to the Hill in April, Defense Secretary Robert Gates made hard choices.
The biggest deficit of all, the film contends, is in leadership: politicians continue to duck hard choices.
"We're at a point where we need to make some very hard choices and decisions, " he says.
That means voters must be strong enough to back up the hard choices our elected officials must make.
CNN: Politicians should put what's right ahead of winning votes
The U.S., which has more diplomats in Kenya than anywhere else in Africa, also could face hard choices.
One reason is that Mr Rajoy flunked hard choices at the outset, notably the cleansing of the banks.
Regrettably, requiring these hard choices on the part of primarily foreign companies and banks is now a necessity.
Mr. BEN BERNANKE (Chairman, Federal Reserve): We as a country are going to have to make some hard choices.
At least Mr Milburn seems less reticent than his predecessors in acknowledging that hard choices about treatments are inevitable.
They were sent here as representatives of the people to make hard choices.
Moody's is telling us that any new president has nothing but hard choices.
Americans are making hard choices in their budgets, and we've got to tighten our belts in Washington, as well.
Even if financial markets were functioning normally, central bankers would face hard choices.
The reason is that American companies made hard choices about restructuring and prudent decisons about where to invest capital.
At the time the council's leader said he wanted to protect frontline services, but the authority faced "hard choices".
We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit.
During the cold war, Brazil stuck to multilateralism, and could avoid hard choices.
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They augment Soviet resources and permit the USSR to avoid the hard choices its dire economic straits would otherwise entail.
Others are just barely making it -- and they're having to make hard choices and they're having to make sacrifices.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President on the American Jobs Act