Less than three weeks later, he was sentenced to 68 years, including 12 of hard labour.
It is in the big hard Labour seats that UKIP has done well in the last 18 months.
Two years later, he was convicted of embezzlement and sentenced in absentia by a Jordanian court to 22 years in prison with hard labour.
Payments meant for workers injured in industrial accidents or worn out by hard labour now go to the stressed and depressed, and to 500, 000 under-35s.
After being sentenced to eight years' hard labour, the defendants were repatriated to France, where they were finally pardoned by Chad's president in March 2008.
On Tuesday a magistrate sentenced the trio to six months in prison with hard labour, suspended for five years - which means they will not actually serve any time in jail.
And people on probation must seek work but can decline job offers, such as those requiring hard physical labour in the sweltering midsummer.
ECONOMIST: Georgia��s immigration bill will hit farmers where it hurts
Those who have successfully landed work for years doing hard manual labour, usually in sweatshops and Chinese restaurant kitchens, to pay off their debts.
Even France's conservative president, Nicolas Sarkozy, is unwilling to damage social cohesion (and risk trouble in the streets) by pushing hard for labour-market, pension and welfare reforms.
It will also be tricky to find builders who can work well at such altitudes (few people can do hard manual labour where the air is so thin).
They're campaigning incredibly hard for Labour and I think that for Clare Short to, to call for a hung parliament, er, a hung parliament that may not be able to deliver the manifesto pledges that we've got to tackle poverty, inequality, improved schools and hospitals.
Firms are suffering because they no longer enjoy cheap, hard-working labour.
She has a cooey-cooey, love-you effect on hard-nosed Labour councillors.
Among drawings by less well known artists is an oil on paper by Louis Jean-Jacques Durameau which captures the hard and heavy labour of workers in a paper mill.
There are increasing reports that firms are finding it hard to recruit skilled labour, and pay settlements are creeping up.
It is hard to see New Labour forcing through an unpopular transport policy in London, if it is strongly opposed by a directly elected mayor.
They had expected a hard-hitting attack on Labour's financial profligacy, with at least some details of Tory spending plans and fiscal proposals.
This was followed by a hard-won commitment from Labour to PR for such a body, in time for the 1992 General Election.
They say the labour trends are hard to square with other statistics, logging decidedly poor growth performances in key sectors such as construction and finance.
The bill, which began its parliamentary journey this week, has been rejected outright by Italy's biggest trade-union federation, the CGIL. That stance has put the leaders of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) between the rock of their historic ties to organised labour and the hard place of support for the government.
The Labour party says "hard pressed families" will not understand why he is being rewarded.
"It was really hard because we were on a labour ward, " he added.
South African labour laws make it hard to fire workers, which deters companies from hiring them in the first place.
Supporting Lords reform in principle but holding it up in practice might become hard for Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, to explain.
ECONOMIST: Reforming the House of Lords: The coalition��s millstone | The
However, the main reason why Labour has found it hard to mount a convincing assault is that the Tory plans to restrain public-spending growth are so modest.
Evidence from Europe suggests that long spells of high joblessness leave a country's underlying unemployment rate permanently higher, as workers lose skills, becoming detached from the labour force and increasingly hard to re-employ.
Even if the economic news is promising and the financial markets jitter-free, Labour will have a hard job to convince voters that it deserves to manage the economy and public finances for a fourth term.
ECONOMIST: News about recovery and inflation may sway the voters
Mr Crosland, perhaps the finest mind to have sat on the Labour benches, is a hard man to emulate.
"Not for the first time, hard-working taxpayers are paying for Labour's inability to manage risks and control costs, " he said.
BBC: Failed fire project wasted ?469m, says committee of MPs