Along with other GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries, Bahrain has cracked down hard on internet activism.
Two weeks ago, we announced that we were working hard on Skype for Windows Phone 8.
ENGADGET: Skype for Windows Phone 8 official preview available now (video)
Thus, the job-destroying effects of minimum wages fall particularly hard on low-skilled adults in poor families.
Whilst I was there, then the government was a government that was hard on standards.
Clay says that I worry too much and that I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
WSJ: Being a Murphy Brown Working Mom in a June Cleaver Stay-at-Home World
I've worked hard on fitness over the years, but time has run its course.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Counties | Glamorgan | Maynard set for farewell season
Atlanta, Georgia-based psychiatrist Patrice Harris said the new financial reality will be hard on many families.
At a House committee hearing last month, Democrats came down hard on the trailer companies.
Ms. LAKE: It is hard, and I think it must be really hard on observers now.
Hello to Tonbridge Grammar School , working hard on our BBC school new report!
He's been leaning hard on Minnesota politicians to find public funding for a new stadium.
Now, she says, it's time for the IMF to push hard on fiscal restraint.
But in a place like Andalusia any increase in austerity will fall hard on people.
But capital inflows help to make the real stronger, which is hard on exporters.
Under his leadership Sears focused hard on being efficient, controlling costs and managing margins.
FORBES: Winners Shift, Losers Don't - Buy Amazon, Sell Wal-Mart
Collateral damage from the financial fallout of a busted marriage indeed falls hard on kids.
Maybe the Obama campaign mavens drilled their candidate hard on not appearing smug or too self-confident.
"We worked really hard on trying to prevent them from getting 3s, " Wright said.
The Timber Carry was the climax of the contest and extremely hard on the body.
I've always been someone who was very hard on themselves and suffered from low self-esteem.
It's just as hard on the disabled parent as it is the child, to open up.
And Bob Gates, my Defense Secretary, has been really good about pushing hard on that.
Once again the participant working hard on their jobs were left seeking out answers.
If not, I have to keep working hard and keep knocking hard on the door.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | England | Shah 'in good state' for call-up
But are they being too hard on angel investors trying to find the next big thing?
FORBES: Cuban and Gilder Hurl Insults At Venture Capitalists
But tastes were changing and the 20th Century began to be hard on Wrexham's breweries.
Wales have also worked hard on the scrum, line-out, communication and getting over the gain line.
It sounded like a garbage truck many blocks away dropping a dumpster hard on the ground.
James Franco, Javier Bardem, and Billy Crudup won't be too hard on the eyes, either.
CNN: 10 summer movies that we're actually looking forward to
Concentrating on lessons when you are desperate for the bathroom is hard on anyone.
FORBES: Why Toilets, Not Cell Phones, Are Key To Education Around The World