Tell them to 'batten down the hatches', because there's a HARD RAIN coming.
This one was convened by the UK parliament's Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) and the Hard Rain project, which documents environmental and social issues through photography.
He helped to create albums that would become a part of music history including Dylan's 1976 album Desire, 1978's Street-Legal and two live albums, Hard Rain and At Budokan.
Kern County, for one, had seen its population swell by more than 60 percent in the last five years, and although health officers had cleaned up the squatter camps that once plagued the area, many migrants were still living in slums with inadequate sewers and drains, ramshackle houses, and litter-strewn dirt roads that would turn to mud after a hard winter rain.
"It was a little bit hard with the rain and that coming, " said Stoner.
Hard, pelting rain that seems to want to do everything it can to get into our vehicle.
The recent hot spell had left the course fast-running and bone-hard before the rain took the edge off for the first round.
"It started to rain really hard in the evening, and began to flood, " said Augustina Garcia Orsi, a 25-year-old student.
The Scot had to do it the hard way, heavy rain hampering his qualifying rides to such an extent that he had started fifth on the grid.
Panama derives more than half of its energy from hydroelectric power and a lack of rain has hit the supply hard.
He was pushed hard by the Serbian fourth seed in the rain-delayed semi-final but improved his record against Djokovic to 9-4 as he controlled the key moments.
The National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, or Fedecafe, isn't giving a firm forecast for next year's crop, saying estimates are hard to make given the large amount of rain that came down this winter.
As we stare through my rain lashed windscreen, it may be hard to imagine, but you can already walk up onto one of the dunes and look down on to one of the greens.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Rain, tiny planes and automobiles
While he was in the rain, while it was raining so hard and the wind was blowing, he was praying that God will calm the water, calm the wind, so that he will be able to make it somewhere with his kids.
Where once it had recycled mountain rain into a vast aquifer underneath, its hard bottom now ushers occasional floodwater right out to sea.
On Tuesday, the hard work finally paid off as crowds of onlookers braved rain, cold winds and a few rogue waves to see the light display's first official showing.
CNN: San Francisco turns a bridge into art with 25,000 lights
Not all Open courses are equally hard, and sometimes a potentially difficult course is softened by rain and lack of wind.
Sometimes, though, it comes down to the sort of game where hard grunt is the key - half the season is played in rain and heavy mud and Bath maybe just lack a little bit of dog.
It was disappointing for Durham with all the rain over the first two days but for us to be able to push hard enough to get a result was a fantastic effort and proves we are playing some excellent cricket.
With fresh water, we are working hard to establish biodiversity priorities and to demonstrate how incredibly important biologically rich, intact natural systems like rain forests are in ensuring a continued supply of clean water to human societies.
FORBES: Conservation International: Stemming the Tide of Environmental Crises, Part Two