Woo started his Hollywood career directing Jean-Claude Van Damme in Hard Target (1993).
It's also against Tripoli's rules to aim the rocket at any hard target, for obvious reasons--one man's weekend missile could easily become another man's Air Force One-seeking Stinger.
The Department is working hard to achieve its target with the help of all stakeholders in the province.
But what's interesting campaign managers is that they've been seized with such enthusiasm by increasingly hard-to-target teens and young adults -- even Britain's Prince Harry is rumored to have a Facebook account.
He doesn't mind that NovaStar, a Kansas City, Mo. real estate investment trust, is the target of hard-charging short-sellers who for nearly two years have kept the shares among the most heavily shorted stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Despite the weakness of the euro-area economy and talk of the risk of deflation, that target has proved hard to hit.
And that's why this bill nearly doubles the FBI's mortgage and financial fraud program, allowing it to better target fraud in hard-hit areas.
For example, adidas needed to address the fact that sales of running shoes in France among its hard-to-reach target demographic of 14-to-19-year-olds were down.
Hitting that target will be enormously hard because of a demographic weakness that is harming productivity, earnings and savings.
He said the country might find it hard to hit its trade growth target of 10 percent for the year.
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Establishing such credibility will prove hard if it sets a monetary target and then is promptly forced by unforeseen events to overshoot it.
ECONOMIST: Remember monetarism? It may be coming back into fashion
They target understaffed, underequipped and hard to access parts of the country.
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Mr Erdogan's first controversial target was rules that make it hard for graduates of religious training (imam hatip) schools to attend Turkish universities.
But he added it would be "hard to say" whether the 50, 000 target would be reached.
The Bundesbank has been pushing hard for a German-style money-supply target, supplemented, perhaps, by some sort of long-term inflation yardstick.
ECONOMIST: Remember monetarism? It may be coming back into fashion
But the government's critics argue that by starting to cut so early and so aggressively, while inflation is still almost three points above the target, the bank has damaged its hard-won credibility.
Even if this is done, it seems hard to see how the US can meet its agreed target of a 5% cut by the year 2010.
Other big box retailers like Target and Wal-Mart have not been as hard hit.
However, recently Gap has been working hard on its marketing strategy in order to reconnect with its target demographic.
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Given that the Shia majority appears to have been the target in many of the latest attacks, it is hard to rule out a sectarian motive.
In his speech, Mr Blair said the "hard to reach" groups his "social exclusion plan" hoped to target included: children in care, families with complex problems, teenage pregnancies and mental health patients.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Blair hits back over 'baby Asbos'
Last year, it was hard for her 24-year-old brother, who has worked for Target since high school, to relax knowing he had to be at work, she said in an interview with sister network HLN.
In theory, the government has a 7% growth target, but continues to insist that the overshoot does not mean a "hard landing" in the shape of an overbalancing economy.
Pier One Imports competes with the likes of IKEA and Target in the home furnishing business, and its sales continue to increase despite hard times for retailers.
They still have a very hard final day in front of them but if they score another 150 it would leave a target of about 250, and England might not have time to chase that sort of score.
The hard-core loyalists, combined with the intellectual property behind its email service, could make RIM an attractive buyout target for rivals.
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