Meantime, corporations like Prudential Financial and General Electric issue preferreds with yields hardly more than 5 percent.
The alternative case is hardly more than descriptions of the failures of the Canadian and British systems.
FORBES: Obamacare, And The Government's Cruel War On Innovation
Even the storied Rio Grande, which she and Brian had seen on a disagreeable weekend trip several years ago to Matamoros, was hardly more than a drainage ditch.
Unfortunately, hardly more than a week after the Fed halted the program, giant mortgage provider Freddie Mac reports that 30-year home mortgage rates have jumped to 5.21%, up from 5.08% the previous week, and 4.71% in December.
If her technique is hardly more than that of a home movie, her strategy is complex: the myth of the unimpeachable innocence of wild children against an uncaring world converges with the public image that Le Besco, the actress, projects.
Hardly more than a handful of individuals, really, despite the mountains of evidence collected by the feds, have got into any kind of serious trouble and, as far as I know, none have had to pay much of their bonuses back.
Young men swept up in the raid are sprung from jail by a councilman seeking their votes, crowds form in the street to pocket cash payments from competing candidates, and campaign rallies, which are joined with religious celebrations, are hardly more than stomping grounds for pickpockets.
And, by the way, we are several trillion dollars closer to insolvency than we were in 2010 and the economic recovery seems hardly more secure than it was then.
But selling decorative lithographs printed in large editions is hardly more noteworthy than vending posters.
FORBES: Costco Is Now Selling Matisse. Why Not Take On Gagosian Gallery?
By contrast in transportation, for instance, we are hardly more advanced today than we were 40 years ago.
FORBES: Globalism and Technology: A Hidden Misconception That Dooms the U.S. Economy
You could hardly get more creative than being a Nobel Prize winner.
The UK would suddenly be free to set its own agenda again and would hardly be more isolated than it was in the 1950s and 1960s, which happened to be years that older Britons remember with particular fondness.
FORBES: Horsemeat for Dinner, Banksters under the Bed, and the Future of the Human Condition
The imediate impact of the Francis papacy on the region could hardly be felt more than in Villa 21-24, a slum of cramped dwellings and narrow alleys that clings to railroad tracks in the Agentine priest's home town of Buenos Aires.
But once one gets behind the relatively small urban core, the overall density is barely 2, 200 per square mile, less than half San Jose or Los Angeles, hardly a fifth that of Tokyo and not much more than Atlanta, the least dense major city in the world with more than 2.5 million residents.
FORBES: Megacities And The Density Delusion: Why More People Doesn't Equal More Wealth
There was hardly a more exciting player in the NFL last season than Robert Griffin III, otherwise known as RGIII.
He missed more than a month but the Penguins hardly missed a beat, going 9-4 in his absence, including a 5-0 romp in the series-opener Wednesday.
It is also over one day in the air and 20 time zones crossed - hardly conducive to peak athletic performance and very possibly more than any athlete's body can handle.
There were graves but hardly what could be called a churchyard: no more than a narrow strip of land beside a path close to the church itself, running all the way around it.
The recipients are hardly the most deserving: farm households make a third more than others, and the richest of them, which get most of the subsidies, bring in three times what the average non-farm household does.
France, and other European farm protectionists, may prove more flexible than they currently imply: this is hardly the first time they have promised to man the barricades shortly before striking a deal.
That would slow, but hardly fell, an economy that is widely expected to grow by more than 2% this year.
The statisticians may not have to fiddle this year, but exports are unlikely to grow by more than 5% in 1999 as a whole: hardly stellar, given the recovery in the rest of the region.
Scots seem to like public spending more than the English do, but 3p in the pound will hardly pay for their ambitions.
Last year more than a million visits were made to Chinese ski areas that hardly saw anybody or weren't even open as recently as the mid-1990s.
While that was certainly the genesis of the problem, it hardly gets to the heart of a problem that seems to speak more to culture than execution.
Yet a barrel of oil is only 15% more expensive than at the start of the year: nasty, but hardly a grave threat.
Opponents of the Palestinian bid argue that it is a unilateral action that will undermine attempts to negotiate a two state solution, and that it could be little more than an empty gesture even if it succeeded, since it will hardly charge the lives of Palestinians.
Although "Hansel and Gretel" can hardly be called a fairy-tale success at this point, it proved far more bewitching than fellow newcomers "Parker" and "Movie 43, " which were left with only bread crumbs in their sad debut frame.
Despite central-bank pooh-bahs' fretting about oil prices (up more than 50% in recent months) and tight labor markets, inflation is hardly a threat.