However, if time is of the essence, head straight to the architecturally magnificent Imperial Harem.
Gorillas, which discourage dalliances between other males and the females of their harem, have small testes.
He wants someone more interesting than the girls in his harem, he says, all of whom bore him.
In reality, these were the imperial family quarters, and every detail of Harem life was governed by tradition, obligation and ceremony.
"Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace" is her tour of the city's famous and infamous royal residence and harem.
And harem-formation, which would have been an option in the past for many K-selected males, is frowned on these days.
Montezuma, the early 16th-century Aztec ruler, was reputed to consume up to 50 cups a day before repairing to his harem.
When the pirates learn that both captives are Italian, they rejoice in having found the new star for their Mustafa's harem Isabella.
He defeated the war-like Rajputs, but gave them rank and married their princesses, who were permitted to conduct Hindu rites in the harem.
Each lady of the Harem struggled to have her son proclaimed heir to the throne, which would assure her own role as the new valide sultan.
The cause was a televised drama series, replete with scenes from the royal baths and the harem, which chronicled Suleiman's military and sexual exploits.
He could have as many concubines as he could support - some had up to 300, although they were not all in the Harem at the same time.
The Gettys' palace, with its four courtyards, ancient harem and great green-glazed garden court, still retained much of its 19th-century grandeur, as well as decorative traces from the '20s and '30s.
Often, their mothers -- former actresses or harem recruits-- are married off by Kim to other leading members of the North Korean leadership, their families kept within the orbit of the Supreme Leader.
And the sultan himself was, in theory, a slave as well, because he was the son, most often, of his father, plus a woman out of the harem who was, in theory, a slave.
His massive support apparatus, which includes thousands of servants, bodyguards, and chefs, comes replete with a harem -- known as the "satisfaction corps" -- made up of dozens of women who have been specially trained to administer to the needs of Kim.