Gorillas, which discourage dalliances between other males and the females of their harem, have small testes.
ECONOMIST: Bigger testes mean smaller brains
In reality, these were the imperial family quarters, and every detail of Harem life was governed by tradition, obligation and ceremony.
BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace
"Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace" is her tour of the city's famous and infamous royal residence and harem.
BBC: This is Istanbul week
Montezuma, the early 16th-century Aztec ruler, was reputed to consume up to 50 cups a day before repairing to his harem.
ECONOMIST: History of chocolate
He defeated the war-like Rajputs, but gave them rank and married their princesses, who were permitted to conduct Hindu rites in the harem.
ECONOMIST: Millennium issue: Muslims and Hindus
Each lady of the Harem struggled to have her son proclaimed heir to the throne, which would assure her own role as the new valide sultan.
BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace
The cause was a televised drama series, replete with scenes from the royal baths and the harem, which chronicled Suleiman's military and sexual exploits.
ECONOMIST: Controversial Turkish television
He could have as many concubines as he could support - some had up to 300, although they were not all in the Harem at the same time.
BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace
The Gettys' palace, with its four courtyards, ancient harem and great green-glazed garden court, still retained much of its 19th-century grandeur, as well as decorative traces from the '20s and '30s.
WSJ: A Magician from Memphis
And the sultan himself was, in theory, a slave as well, because he was the son, most often, of his father, plus a woman out of the harem who was, in theory, a slave.
NPR: The History of Political Succession
Ruling the Harem was the valide sultan.
BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace
The word "harem" literally means "private".
BBC: Uncover the secrets of Topkapi Palace