More seriously, it can release harmful chemicals into the soil and water when dumped, or into the air when burned.
And the company may struggle to overcome fears of smoking harmful chemicals.
For example, it had proved extremely difficult to persuade American businesses to cut down on the use of harmful chemicals and their release into the environment.
While there is no conclusive evidence of chemical weapons at Khan Aasal, U.S. and other officials have not ruled out the possibility that harmful chemicals were emitted as a result of an attack in Syria.
In recent years, problems have fouled acquaculture's reputation: pollution from waste runoff, high disease and parasite rates due to a high density of fish and the uptake of industrial chemicals harmful to humans have combined to make fish less healthy to eat.
Yet it took six months to find a source for a soft, well-draped fabric that was free of potentially harmful dyes and finishing chemicals.
And chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, does contain antioxidants which can help to mop up harmful free radicals - unstable chemicals that can damage our cells.
While we applaud the efforts to reduce the presence of toxic chemicals in Avon products, we maintain that continuing to build brand recognition through breast cancer cause-marketing while continuing to sell products that are not completely free of toxic chemicals is a harmful contradiction.
FORBES: Pinkwashing: Researchers Take On Avon In Breast Cancer Battle
The regulations will require manufacturers of selected products sold in California to identify safer alternatives to a potential range of 3, 000 chemicals known to be harmful to public health and the environment.
Cytokines like interleukin-1 are not always harmful, but they can interact with chemicals in the brain.
The city council said it had been checking the air for "volatile organic chemicals" (VOCs), which can be harmful, but it said amounts being released were within safe limits.