They may even use harmless bacteria as a transport link to arm other harmful bugs that pass by.
And we have to pay attention because research tells us that this stuff is not harmless.
These kit-level experiments are harmless, hobbies pursued as much for educational purposes as for ingenuity.
And, while dingoes are largely harmless, they have been known to attack humans and even kill.
All the policy makers who formulate or acquiesce to this strategy will be held harmless.
Strobel claims this gas mixture, harmless to humans, is one of the most potent antibiotics discovered.
Prusiner proved that prions are a deformed version of an otherwise harmless protein called PRP.
Or perhaps it would lead to the harmless redistribution of rents from firms to employees.
FORBES: Should Employers Be Allowed To Prevent Workers From Sharing Their Salary Information?
Double lattes, fresh flowers and checkout-aisle chewing gum are all perfectly harmless impulse buys.
Or harmless things, depending on how mean the person who wrote the virus is.
While harmless to horses, bute is a carcinogen according to the National Toxicology Program.
FORBES: Over Public Outcry, Governor Signs Horse Slaughter Bill
Next time, the exploit writer may have intentions that are more profitable, and less harmless.
FORBES: How "The Most Advanced iPhone Exploit In The World" Hacks Your Handset
However, Professor Pennington, president of the Society of General Microbiology, said MRSE was actually not harmless.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Devon | Hospitals attacked on cleanliness
"These things are absolutely harmless and they prevent pets from being run over, " she said.
Most of the viruses are harmless, but some are potentially deadly when passed to humans.
To the average eye, the stacks of brightly colored ladies' wear appear harmless enough.
So, if you can't convert the carbon dioxide into something harmless, can you capture it?
An Orange County Sheriff's bomb squad team examined the explosives and rendered them harmless.
What's worse, after all: a little harmless schmoozing, or not getting what you came for?
Cervical polyps are almost always harmless, with the risk of cancer being less than 1 percent.
Stay away from chatter about your personal life, including seemingly harmless topics, she also advises.
"A food protein can be perfectly harmless to one person and lethal to another, " he said.
Had a bout of harmless home hardware hackery led to me being flagged as a fraudster?
Attempts to speed up the abolition of tariffs on some goods produced a relatively harmless fudge.
Sea-flies, harmless mosquito-sized insects, now squatted on every surface, stupefied into stillness by the gathering heat of the afternoon.
It is very important that we extend those middle-class tax provisions to hold middle-class families harmless.
REACH, reverses the burden of proof, asking industry to demonstrate that substances are harmless.
As the name suggests, the germ is bad for birds but harmless in humans.
If supporting two separate networks imposed trivial costs on the telcos, then consumers would be held harmless.
Dr Connolly acknowledged it was sometimes hard to tell the difference between harmless slagging and racist abuse.