• The human brain also has a natural tendency to fill in voids when information is not readily available.

    FORBES: Expose Yourself

  • CytImmune Sciences of Rockville, Maryland, has just begun a study of the efficacy of Aurimune, a solid-gold nanoparticle that carries a dose of tumour necrosis factor (TNF), a substance that has a natural tendency to stick to gold.

    ECONOMIST: Treating tumours

  • Just as PepsiCo creates its products out of whole foods, which are broken down into components and then, through processing, reassembled into drinks and snacks, so Nooyi has a tendency to lift words from their natural context and repurpose them to suit the needs of PepsiCo.

    NEWYORKER: Snacks for a Fat Planet

  • Either way, the very fact that we have several cool looking Medieval combat games in the oven has me pretty excited, and willing to suspend my natural tendency toward cynicism for a while.

    FORBES: A Closer Look At Combat In 'Chivalry: Medieval Warfare'

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