The perfect artificial smoothness becomes a comment on how time has assaulted the creations of the past, even if the original sculpture started out as smooth white stone.
One of the women has been assaulted and the other has received verbal threats.
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At least one patient has been assaulted and one criminal inquiry is under way.
Also, he has consistently assaulted pitchers and the record books with a panache that oozes confidence instead of arrogance.
The attack Saturday wasn't the first time Portillo has been assaulted by an angry player while refereeing, said his oldest daughter, Johana Portillo.
While not all of the safeguarding alerts meant that the patient had been harmed, at least one has been assaulted and one criminal inquiry is under way.
Health professionals should always take action when they believe a child or young person has been assaulted in any way, to protect them and others from further harm.
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But it is the way his family were assaulted that has really angered Mr Tan.
The court has heard Mr Grey was assaulted at his home in Westwick Gardens, on 29 October 2011.
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Has there been other cases where he's stalked or assaulted women, and there'll be a threat assessment done immediately by the responding officer and if he or she feels that there's an immediate need to get this stalker in custody she'll try to apprehend the criminal right then.
Sweden has said it wants to question Assange on allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman there.
No weapon has been found and there is no evidence that Miss Muller was sexually assaulted.
Abdul Rashid Dostum, has refused to appear in court on charges he and his men brutally assaulted a rival and his relatives last month.
Four years after he was assaulted, McCabe still gets migraine-like headaches every day, has limited hearing in his left ear and has lost his sense of taste and smell.
Vimla Dhariwal says her son assaulted her and was trying to evict her from her home, a charge which he has denied.
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Britain, for example, has had its share of serial killers, homicidal rapists, and prisoners who have taken hostages and repeatedly assaulted staff.
The health and social care watchdog, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has denied that it failed to take sufficient action after undercover filming showed an 80-year-old woman being assaulted by a care worker, which will be broadcast for the first time on BBC Panorama tonight.