The case has been classified as a homicide even though Smith's body has not been located.
The fire has been classified as a six-alarm blaze for several reasons, the department said, including the search for Wilson.
The Environmental Protection Agency has classified secondhand smoke as a known human cancer-causing agent.
CNN: Study: Smoke-free laws may cut heart attack hospitalizations
"The US Environmental Protection Agency has classified environmental tobacco smoke as a known human (class A) carcinogen, " he added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Legal threat over passive smoking
The military has classified those like Zaeef as "enemy combatants, " although the Justice Department in March said it would dispose of that classification.
CNN: Ex-Taliban claims abuse at Gitmo, Bagram: 'They were beating me'
But being classified as a supplement has been challenging because the company can't make a disease claim, says Mr. Patton.
WSJ: 'Medical Foods' and Supplements for Brain Health Advance
This report has been kept under wraps as classified information since 2007.
FORBES: Protecting the Electric Grid from Terrorism -- Nobody is in Charge
Singapore has classified one area of the city state as a creative zone.
The number of those who aren't looking for work because they're classified as "discouraged" has fallen over the past two years from 81, 000 to 66, 000.
To be classified as a planet an object has to orbit the sun, have sufficient mass for its own gravity to make it roughly spherical and it must clear the neighbourhood around its orbit.
The weather service has tentatively classified the Moore twister's wind speeds as an EF4 on a 5-point scale.
To be classified as a song, a vocalisation has to contain distinct notes, rather than one sound repeated, as well as motifs and themes that recur from time to time.
ECONOMIST: Male mice sing when they scent the female of the species
According to researchers, while many modern pets may look like those depicted in ancient Egyptian tombs or Roman mosaics, extensive cross-breeding through thousands of years has meant that no modern dog breeds can be truly classified as "ancient".
BBC: Modern dogs have 'little in common' with ancient breeds
The Bush administration classified him as an enemy combatant and says that means he has no right to an attorney or a trial.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has classified the Tokaimura accident, which was the worst in Japanese history, as level four on its seven-point scale, making it the world's most serious since the level-seven disaster at Chernobyl in 1986.
The IRS has extended its Voluntary Classification Settlement Program, whereby taxpayers who believe they have erroneously classified workers as independent contractors instead of employees may file an application with the IRS. This allows them to have federal payroll tax exposure drastically reduced (by as much as 90 percent for some) for the years in which workers should have been treated as employees.
FORBES: A Pullback Is Coming But Here Are 8 Reasons To Stay In The Market
The group, which publishes the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, The People, Daily Record and Sunday Mail, as well as 160 local and regional newspapers, has struggled to cope with falling circulations and the transfer of classified advertising to the internet.
Opportunities in tourism and fishing have tempted mainlanders to the islands in recent years: the population, swollen by now to 16, 000-plus, has been rising by 6% a year, increasing pressures on the 97% of the archipelago classified since 1959 as national park and not for human habitation.