Even as it has evolved, the company in coffee brown has rigorously adhered to its successful business model.
He also has to be rigorously disciplined in avoiding any incidents of any kind in this period.
The cancer drug has never been rigorously tested in patients with macular degeneration, but in uncontrolled trials it appeared to work well.
Ofqual and the two exam boards have said they will not be commenting on the proceedings until they are over, but Ofqual has vowed to "rigorously defend" its decisions.
"Treatment has been administered permanently and rigorously, and the patient is supporting it, " the statement said.
Given budget pressures, the city council has to examine all expenditure very rigorously.
Former chancellor Lord Lawson has said that George Osborne should "stick rigorously to Plan A", on announcing today's Budget.
Currently, it is inconceivable that a European Microsoft would be investigated as openly and as rigorously as Bill Gates's firm has been in America, let alone that its break-up would be considered.
Mr Obama has directed stimulus money to domestic manufacturers of renewable-energy technology, promised to revisit controls on exports of technology with national-security implications and has said he will protect American intellectual-property rights more rigorously abroad.
Although I would not dispute the need for the four qualities you put forward, the words you use to explain them in this article suggests to me a cold astute clinical clever person who has identified the factors of a successful formula and applies it rigorously in a process way to people and things.
By contrast, the approach in modern medicine, one that has been validated in hundreds of thousands of controlled experiments, is to rigorously identify, and observe, any factors that may unfairly bias a study.
Since mortgage pre-approval has grown to be so integral to the home buying process, it makes sense that lenders would rigorously address this void.
"The IPCC has worked hard to represent the scientific findings about climate change as clearly as possible and to treat uncertainties rigorously, " she said.