The company has signed up 2.9 million subscribers for its flat-rate, unlimited use phone service.
In addition to the McDonald's deal, PayPal has signed up with such retailers as Home Depot.
He has signed up 700 customers, almost all distributing their own brands, in 170 markets.
Tigers head coach Marcelo Loffreda is delighted Corry has signed up for another year.
More than three-quarters of the retail market has signed up, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said.
So far, the aid body has signed up 12, 000 volunteers for two-year assignments abroad.
The networks could probably survive TiVo, which in four years has signed up only 800, 000 subscriber homes.
It has signed up 1, 500 and expects that figure to double by the end of next year.
Europe has signed up to Kyoto, and its companies face fines if they exceed their emissions caps.
For more than 40 years Europe's political class has signed up to the narrative of "ever-closer union".
Amazon has signed up 100, 000 associates on the Internet, which channel potential buyers to its own site.
According to CEO Edmond Walters, eMoney Advisor has signed up over 50 financial advisers who work with athletes.
To date, Definity has signed up 18, 000 employees (42, 000 members including dependents), up from 2, 500 employees in 2001.
Olympic bronze medal winner Tom Daley has signed up for a second series of ITV celebrity diving show Splash!
Courting the same customer, Lumenos in Alexandria, Va. has signed up 15, 000 members.
Barry has signed up stars like Sergei Fedorov, Mats Sundin and Martin Brodeur.
In the first year, it has signed up 1, 100 trucking companies and 40, 000 drivers, doing 150 deals a day.
PayPal has signed up 15 million members and adds 25, 000 more each day.
So far Purfresh has signed up 70 fruit and vegetable packers as clients.
He has signed up as a political commentator for the show 60 Minutes on the CBS network for 10 weeks.
New York-based performance artist Marina Abramovic has signed up to participate in a lecture at the museum, Ms. Fontanals-Cisneros added.
WSJ: Miami Collector Ella Fontanals-Cisneros to Show Works in Havana
Zurich offers good drivers up to 37% discounts and says it has signed up tens of thousands of customers since January.
So far it has signed up two companies, which are in stealth mode, and is close to deals with two others.
Apple said Friday it has signed up more than one million users for the Ping music discovery service the company launched Wednesday.
It might start by enforcing the many sensible international rules it has signed up for, such as the UN Convention Against Corruption.
In the past month 1stUp has signed up another 600, 000 new customers.
Similarly, Louise Collins, whose track Green Fires was one of my musical highlights anywhere in the world last year, has signed up.
Now he has signed up as an official cheerleader for that outcome.
So far one one company has signed up to the duct-sharing scheme.
Some of the 500 companies Sastri has signed up pay only after 120 days, forcing his tiny outfit to pay out before it gets paid.