Germany's slow response also has something to do with the personality of the chancellor, Angela Merkel.
The West's newfound obsession with Islamophobia probably also has something to do with it.
But it also has something to do with a ministerial battle over who would control the funds.
Most of this likely has something to do with the removable back cover, but it still gives us pause.
ENGADGET: HTC One VX review: AT&T's latest mid-range smartphone is worth a closer look
Craig Wheeland, a political scientist at Villanova, believes it has something to do with America's innate wariness of government.
The class finally has something to do with the energy they have to contain in all their other class.
It also has something to do with his traditional Tory reluctance to turn his thoughts into grand, systematic plans.
She believes making sense of South Asia's many upheavals has something to do with the outbreak of writing and reading.
ECONOMIST: The latest in a rash of regional literary festivals
Perhaps it has something to do with how they chose a ridiculous way to configure their servers, it seems very rushed.
FORBES: EA Disabling Features, Pledging 'Everything We Have' To Fixing SimCity Servers
Indeed, curation has something to do with that, but only in an evolutionary sort of way, kind of like Integration 4G.
Compensation is not just the simple issue of supply and demand, but that has something to do with it as well.
It has something to do with the fact that consumers perceive all three products to be good value--and very similar throwaway commodities.
Japan's desire for international heft also has something to do with it.
Hint: it probably has something to do with his private equity training.
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Perhaps it also has something to do with the fact that (whisper it) there are not many innovative ways in which to brand banking.
ECONOMIST: Banks are trying to develop better brands. About time too
Mr Nolan, sorely disappointed, seemed to be the only candidate to realise that the Libertarian Party's lack of draw has something to do with its message.
The Zii EGG runs the new "Plaszma" platform, which has something to do with " StemCell Computing" and allows developers to simultaneously develop for Plaszma and Android.
ENGADGET: Creative debuts Android-powered Zii EGG for developers and OEMs
Well, it almost certainly has something to do with the fact that 3D Realms founder Scott Miller is one of five people on the Gambitious advisory board.
FORBES: Duke Nukem's 3D Realms Crowdfunding (Not Kickstarting) Their Next Project, Earth No More
Perhaps it has something to do with the changing nature of the economy and consequent shortage of low-skilled jobs, or the long crumbling of family structures and discipline.
Which probably has something to do with him landing the part of George Smiley in the soon-to-be-released film adaptation of John le Carre's novel Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
BBC: Gary Oldman's Smiley: 'A little sexier, a little crueller'
I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I shouldn't be doing this because I am -- according to the law -- doing something wrong.
If parents prefer to molly-coddle their children with junk food it surely has something to do with their unwillingness to be more responsibly austere with their own diets.
Perhaps it has something to do with the campaign contributions?
Some suspect the change has something to do with the evolution in how foods are grown and produced, like the crossbreeding of wheat or the use of antibiotics in cattle.
The beleaguered industry has become a pariah on Wall Street and investors remain fearful of putting their money in anything akin to, or that has something to do with housing.
FORBES: Three Major Home Builders To Own Ahead of An Expected Housing Recovery Next Year
And this plant has something to do with it, because I was just seeing some doors and some hoods made right here -- more lightweight, more efficient, saves on fuel economy.
C. proved to have the slowest drivers, where speeds averaged a mere 46 miles per hour -- although that likely has something to do with TomTom's earlier findings that Washington D.
ENGADGET: TomTom data finds drivers aren't speeding much, are being watched