We wanted to show that hate speech is not just words --- that words can lead to actions.
The First Amendment now firmly protects profane and indecent speech, violent content, hate speech, and more.
Daily they emit populist scare tactics and spew hate speech upon successful (rich) Americans.
And supporters of bans on "hate speech" invoke international norms to defeat First Amendment objections.
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By hosting her, they intoned, the Great Neck Synagogue would be guilty of propagating hate speech.
That's not the approach taken in Europe, where hate speech is most definitely not protected.
So the question is: should such hate speech fall under the legal protection of free speech?
She said Facebook would consult lawyers and interest groups to upgrade its guidelines on removing hate speech.
The blogger used it as an example of the hate speech against President Obama reaching unacceptable levels.
Moreover, its Supreme Court has long held that hate speech can be tried under criminal sedition laws.
In fact, El-Fatatry says, the site is constantly policed to remove any hate speech or threats of religious violence.
Although incitement to violence is generally not protected, hate speech -- no matter how disgusting and awful -- is.
Facebook's policy of prohibiting hate speech was apparently in abeyance: drawings of pigs urinating on the Koran and worse were posted.
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Along with the video, the campaign includes blogs and video blogs from people describing their own experiences and stories of hate speech.
With every passing day it gets harder to think of this sudden dialing-up of whiny hate speech as sheer coincidence.
The following year, a court ruled that the song amounted to hate speech - a decision that Mr Malema rejected.
The connection between bully and target is so seamless that hate speech can often spread more rapidly than its originator ever intended.
Repeated calls for the Punjab governor to be killed were made from mosque pulpits across Pakistan, yet such hate speech goes unpunished.
American websites enjoy broad freedom but most users support policies that forbid hate speech or obscenity, even when these are not illegal.
In the Arab world, the silence over Jew-hate speech is the rule.
All of them have a different beef they want addressed spam, privacy, porn, violent content, defamation, harassment, hate speech, religious persecution, terrorism, and more.
While monitors are seeking out and recording inflammatory statements at rallies, individuals are encouraged to report hate speech to the police via text.
The party, accusing him of sowing division and hate speech, first suspended him, then shot down his appeal and expelled him in April.
Earlier this week, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) released a report detailing cases of violence, hate speech and ethnic intimidation.
Unlike the Chicago Olympics fiasco, however, in the case of "hate speech, " it is the American people and Congress that must repudiate him.
" He cited preconditions including deep-seated communal grievances, poverty and new freedom of expression that enables the spread of "extremist rhetoric and hate speech.
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The hate speech and blasphemy laws that are now common in many European countries lack clarity as to precisely what they aim to criminalize.
Government officials have set up centers to monitor hate speech and any tribal incitement, which was a major cause of violence in the last election.
Does he favor "hate speech" legislation recently approved by the House Judiciary Committee that would set the stage for such an infringement and associated penalties?
The government has made efforts to keep hate speech under control.