• We drive to a snow-speckled plateau halfway up one of his favourite peaks, the witch-hatted Romsdalshorn.

    BBC: Finding 'friluftsliv' in Norway

  • And she dealt in Hollywood-style dichotomies between good and evil, between white-hatted capitalists and black-hatted collectivists.

    ECONOMIST: The life and views of Ayn Rand: Capitalism's martyred hero | The

  • Behind the hoodies and flip-flops lurk businesspeople as rapacious as the black-suited and top-hatted industrialists of the late-19th century.

    FORBES: Tech Execs Successors To The Robber Barons, Says Newsweek

  • The coach was originally pulled by dray horses and escorted by bowler-hatted draymen from the former Scottish and Newcastle brewery.

    BBC: Lord Mayor of Newcastle's coach sells for ?50,000

  • The effects would be felt far beyond the fantasy world of Tintin and Magritte's bowler-hatted men falling from the sky.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Presented as a flannel-shirted, camouflage-hatted hunter sitting on a pick-up truck tailgate holding a shotgun, the actor manages to break two basic safety rules.

    FORBES: Shooting Holes In Mayor Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Propaganda: Ten Bullet Points

  • With the English actress Samantha Morton, hatted and crumpet-faced, her body hidden in a shapeless dress, as the mute girl who falls for Emmet.

    NEWYORKER: Sweet and Lowdown

  • Maximo Park also impressed on the second stage, with bowler-hatted singer Paul Smith stalking the stage like a hyperactive Orangeman just told the Twelfth has been cancelled.

    BBC: Oxegen review

  • Dr Kabamba's hospital is healthier than it was during the war, or under Mobutu Sese Seko, the leopardskin-hatted crook who ruled Congo until his overthrow in 1997.

    ECONOMIST: The poor: The mountain man and the surgeon | The

  • It has also raised questions over Lord Goldsmith's own double-hatted role as government minister and the country's independent chief legal officer with a duty to act in the public interest.

    ECONOMIST: A battle over the public's right to know

  • The Secretary General of NATO has been out on the airwaves and on the TV screens in Europe saying that this is not blue-hatted peacekeeping, this is an intense mission.

    NPR: NATO Takes Expanded Role in Afghanistan

  • The six of us arrived at Washington DC's Reagan National Airport, bleary-eyed, flip-flopped and Panama-hatted, ready to set out on what we had dubbed the "Sun, Sand and Stupidity Tour 2010".

    BBC: Lobster diving in the Abacos

  • Meanwhile, Salomy is being courted by a pair of rivals a high-hatted, smooth-talking saloon gambler (Ralph Bellamy) and a crude, jealous rancher (Irving Pichel) and protected by Yuba Bill (Eugene Pallette), the jolly and fast-witted coachman.

    NEWYORKER: Wild Girl

  • From the deck, tick off architectural and historical glories as you sweep past: to your right, the Monument - Sir Christopher Wren's memorial to the Great Fire of 1666 - then Wren's towering achievement, dome-hatted St Paul's Cathedral.

    BBC: A perfect day in London

  • In one scene, as the boater-hatted Stavros awaits his fate on Ellis Island, amid a crush of straining, bewildered faces, Kazan films the immigration officers striding like Roman consuls past the fenced-in throng and into the cavernous great hall.

    NEWYORKER: Method Man

  • Instead, according to a report that resulted from a 60-day government cybersecurity review ending in May, the cyber coordinator position will be "dual-hatted, " reporting to both the National Security Council and the National Economic Council under Obama's economic advisor Larry Summers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Like "High Sierra" before it, "Colorado Territory" is a laconic portrait of a lonely gunman at the end of his tether, and the fact that McCrea, Hollywood's favorite white-hatted good guy, is playing against type adds to the film's emotional complexity.

    WSJ: Tuning Up a Masterpiece | Sightings by Terry Teachout

  • If the Israeli girls had plucked my cowboy-hatted visage from the side of the road because it lent a sense of Thelma and Louise exoticism to their day, I surely destroyed the Brad Pitt mystique once I splashed out into the Galilean water and began to flail around on a rented board.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As we scan the crowd, our gaze is akin to that of the costumed characters on the viewing platform at right, but quickly shifts to eye level as the foreground gives way to some of Ensor's most frightening and crudely painted figures a top-hatted skeleton, a swollen prelate, ghoulish clowns, and grimacing, disembodied masks who threaten to spill into our space.

    WSJ: A Macabre Kingdom of Masks | James Ensor | Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889 | By Mary Tompkins Lewis

  • From his underwear ads to his adventurous magazine spreads to his top-hatted appearance at Prince William's marriage to Kate Middleton, Beckham occupied a different, glossier, global orbit than most celebrity athletes. (He will never be confused with Peyton Manning yapping to his dad in a Buick.) That day in the basement, however, Beckham said soccer was the thing he thought about when he woke up every morning.

    WSJ: David Beckham: A Farewell to the Faux Hawk

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