If my aunt and uncle wanted to spend money or have a dinner party, the girls were consulted.
I'm eating some cod and more vegetables now, and when I get home my mum will have a dinner ready.
"One night, the hotel restaurant was booked and somebody wanted to have a dinner for some friends, very important people, " Sussek said.
And then my husband usually takes me out for dinner, and the girls -- or -- and we have a family dinner.
Bush may do some boating and then will have a birthday dinner with his family, aides said.
CNN: President Bush celebrates his birthday with a round of golf
Ms. Fierro believes 12 to 14 guests is the largest number you should have at a dinner table.
WSJ: For a Lively Dinner, Bring a Power Seating Plan to the Table
After coming home, he would have a quick dinner in front of the TV and then do homework till midnight.
Next time you have a family dinner at Thanksgiving, be it in Canada or the United States, try using that term.
Sometimes we watch a movie together, we'll have a nice dinner, and then we go to bed kind of early because we've got to be in bed in time for Santa to get there.
He will receive a first-name-only invitation to have dinner at a staff table, which will then quietly appear under the door of one of the other Bobs, and no one will spot the substitution.
Bill Clinton could have arranged a candle light dinner with Hillary, but that would have taken time and some planning.
FORBES: Musings While Cycling: Why are Americans so Impatient?
So we arranged for her and her grandmother to have dinner at a restaurant our daughter likes.
Every month I have dinner with a group of local executives and entrepreneurs.
At the other end we might have something like a steak dinner.
For this story I did on him, which was written during his stint at Memphis, Calipari insisted that we have dinner in a local steak joint.
FORBES: John Calipari Is Either The Best Or Worst Thing To Happen To College Basketball
In the early days of the trial, Judge Ito said he hoped it would end with the lawyers on such friendly terms that he could have a post-trial dinner with all of them.
Tarathe Brown, a single mother, doesn't have time to cook much of a dinner for her five children.
And here's an idea: Because dry Portuguese reds are increasingly available and very affordable, have one with dinner sometime soon and then have a glass of Port afterward.
WSJ: 2003 Vintage Port as a Holiday Gift | Tastings by Gaiter and Brecher
And as in the previous ad, the updates come to life as a ballerina performs on the dinner table and friends have a snowball fight while the boring relatives go on, you know, talking and listening to each other.
FORBES: How Charming! New Facebook Home Ad Celebrates Being Rude At The Dinner Table
"We now have a bar with a television and serve lunch and dinner, " he says.
But Senator Corker talked about how there was a discussion of whether they could have these frank discussions over dinner and then turn around and have the President attacking them in a partisan manner.
But it is not what you would have expected in a similar British dinner.
The two get along well and occasionally have dinner or share a bottle of wine, but they have very different sensibilities.
In my house, every night at dinner we have a big piece of paper that we put on our dining room table as our tablecloth and we doodle.
His typical routine would be to wake up at noon, work from 2pm to 10pm, have dinner then go on a bike ride in the still-clear light, returning at 1am for a little dessert.
We explain why the Ferrari 250 TR is perhaps the greatest auto-racing artifact ever built, have dinner outdoors orchestrated by a company whose mission is to reconnect people with the land and local produce, and take a quick look at a Connecticut kayak maker who's very old-school.
More recently, however, those laurels have fallen on wine alone, as a dinner party offering or holiday toast.
The most surprising aspect for us was how much we have enjoyed our six dinner companions in a traditional, 6:00 or 8:00 pm fixed-seating arrangement.