Morsi will not have a free hand to govern, at least not in the short term.
It is the prospect that the new owners will have a free hand to manage their properties, unhindered by politics.
State governments, universities and agencies would now seem to have a free hand to violate patents and trademarks with impunity, even when operating commercially.
With no president to meddle in government and mock his bullying ways, as Mr Kovac did, Mr Meciar will now have a free hand to improve his electoral fortunes.
Asked if Mr Kiley will have a free hand to take on the unions, the mayor says that Mr Kiley would not have taken the job without such freedom.
Iraq's ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that the United States has to keep its forces in his country unless it wants Iran to have a free hand in Iraq.
CNN: Iraq hearings highlight differences between McCain, Democrats
Wisconsin law prohibits more than 25% out-of-state undergrads (but add in the 10% Minnesota reciprocity students) but with a new financial structure, Chancellor Martin could have a free hand making the UW-Madison the semi-private school she envisions.
Harriet Miers, the president's former White House counsel, exploring with high-ranking officials of the Justice Department, the removal of all federal prosecutors so that the White House could have a free hand filling those ranks with nothing but political loyalists.
Under the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme, branded-drug companies are allowed to make a profit of up to 21 per cent on any medicines they sell to the NHS. They have a free hand to set the prices when they are introduced but, every five years, the government and the companies agree an across-the-board cut on all drugs.
If elected he would not take any party whip in parliament and would have a "free hand", he pledged.
Environment Minister Roseanna Cunnigham said it was important to remember the Scottish government did not have "a free hand" as EU rules had to be complied with.
As Canada's provinces have discovered painfully, there is no such thing as a free federal hand-out.
These trusts (also called megatrusts) have been promoted as a way for a family to hand down wealth for generations, free from both estate taxes and all creditors' claims.