• It is almost certainly because of this strong display of nationalism that Mr Chirac decided to have a showdown with his prime minister over the French language.

    ECONOMIST: The French language

  • But a presidential veto would have triggered a showdown with the powerful and media-savvy steelworkers that could have damaged Vice-President Al Gore's presidential hopes.

    ECONOMIST: Standing up to steel

  • Mr Gettelfinger may have concluded that a showdown with GM will do little to solve the ills of his union.

    ECONOMIST: The shrinking power of America's unions

  • Calzaghe admitted he is disappointed not to have secured a lucrative showdown with the likes of American middleweight star Bernard Hopkins.

    BBC: SPORT | Boxing | Calzaghe may step up in weight

  • The more pugnacious among them have prepared for a showdown by skittering back and forth in the scrub with loaded machineguns.

    ECONOMIST: Texas: The Alamo, again | The

  • Many fans have called for a potential showdown between Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr.


  • The American public's natural tendency to rally around a president during an international crisis appears to have given Clinton a boost in his showdown with Independent Counsel Ken Starr as well as his confrontation with Hussein.

    CNN: Public Still Supports Clinton In Iraq Standoff

  • The downside is the unfairness of gutting out 162 games only to have to win a one game showdown against a lesser team to secure a wild card berth.

    FORBES: Baseball Could Use Expanded Playoffs

  • While the tax cuts have been made permanent, a showdown over spending is looming for February.

    FORBES: 10 Things You Should Know About The Fiscal Cliff Deal

  • And while media pundits and political experts have been casting the race as a two-man showdown between Kerry and Edwards, the Kucinich campaign released a statement pointedly noting that he has now finished ahead of Edwards in Hawaii, Maine and Washington.

    CNN: Dems take Bush to task over proposed amendment

  • The game pitted two countries that have been at the center of the European debt crisis, a showdown between the euro zone's most cash-strapped nation against its Teutonic task- and paymaster.

    WSJ: Euro 2012: Germany Kicks Greece Out of Euro (Soccer Tournament)

  • While a showdown over the nation's borrowing limits appears to have been put off, lawmakers have yet to agree on how best to reduce government spending.

    NPR: Stocks Drift Lower, Paring January Gains

  • The chances of setting such change in motion have never been as good, and the current showdown should be used to communicate a clear message: As a nation-state, Iran can and will be a friend.


  • Unless Klitschko reschedules the Chisora fight for a third time - which seems unlikely - that issue appears to have been overcome, giving him plenty of time to get in shape for a huge showdown with long-time rival Haye providing the stomach injury heals.

    BBC: Wladimir Klitschko and Dereck Chisora

  • Just like the proposed line itself we have never been this way before, with a genuine four- or even five-party showdown.

    BBC: HS2 spells double trouble in next week's council poll

  • So this is going to be another one of those issues in the weeks ahead in which there's a showdown, where the president vetoes a bill and then the Democrats maybe have the votes in the Senate but surely will not have the votes in the House to provide two-thirds to give full access to human embryos for research purposes.

    NPR: Political Week Ahead: Bush on Immigration

  • He would have, under any circumstances, whether there had been -- if there had never been a showdown over a shutdown, if there had never been a dispute over fiscal year 2011 spending, he was committed to addressing our deficits and debt this year, this spring.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Barcelona and Chelsea met for the first time in 2000, but have since faced each other a dozen times in a series of increasingly acrimonious battles, highlighted by their notorious showdown at Stamford Bridge in 2009, when Barcelona advanced on Andres Iniesta's stoppage time equalizer, which came after Chelsea had been denied three apparent penalty kicks.

    WSJ: It's a Very Cross-Border Rivalry

  • After the Vikings in Lambeau on Monday, they have tough stuff left, including a division game at Detroit on Thanksgiving the most meaningful Lions Turkey Day showdown in ages a road date versus the New York Giants and a home game against the reenergized Chicago Bears.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Could Green Bay Win by Losing?

  • Meanwhile, campaigners Justice Across Borders have complained that Mr Cameron was putting important legal safeguards at risk, by using the Crime and Courts Bill for a showdown on Leveson.

    BBC: Press regulation: Reaction to royal charter announcement

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