When they tout an investment, be especially skeptical if they have a stake in it.
Remember, half of all U.S. households today have a stake in the stock market.
So we all have a stake in helping our small businesses grow and succeed.
If and when that day arrived, GE would have a stake in the successor.
But all of us have a stake in forging stronger bonds between fathers and their children.
We all have a stake in improving our schools and achieving quality, affordable health care.
By energy you mean that we have a stake in the region's fossil fuels?
The European countries have a stake in not having total disorder on their doorstep.
The more people see that they have a stake in peace, the more we will have peace.
If the assets were actually held in a U.S. bank, would the FDIC have a stake in this?
Those who have a stake in the outcome should be mindful of how these decisions are being made.
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This approach is even more powerful if those influencers have a stake in seeing the news propagate online.
What's more, banks' trust departments, investment managers, estate lawyers and heirs nationwide have a stake in the outcome.
We remain engaged with our international partners in the region who also have a stake in resolving this peacefully.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Only then will our people believe that they have a stake in supporting and shaping the emerging international system.
And besides individuals, corporations have a stake in the labels-and-titles game as well.
There is no lack of people who have a stake in Warner's decision.
All three countries have a stake in the floundering car industry, which is organised on a North American basis.
Directors will do this better if they have a stake in the firm.
Novartis and Eli Lilly also have a stake in the osteoporosis market.
Now even drawing-room greens accept that conserving wildlife requires that the people living nearby have a stake in its preservation.
Nor that Ford used to have a stake in Kia, whose minicars were sold in the U.S. under the Ford name.
Only political junkies and conspiracy theorists have a stake in this debate.
We have a stake in your future because our destiny is shared.
They very much have a stake in the system, and they very much have a stake in the economic future of this country.
We all have a stake in this conversation, so please look for us when we visit your state to keep the discussion going.
France does not have a stake in Arcelor but its government still joined the country's media and trade unionists in knocking Mittal's plans.
In a memo that he sent out at the time, Mr Page said "we all have a stake in the success of this effort".
All free nations have a stake in preventing sudden and catastrophic attacks, and we're asking them to join us, and many are doing so.