It is not the end of the world to have a wash sale disallowed: The IRS simply adds back the amount of the disallowed loss to your original basis, in effect lowering your tax burden in whatever year you properly dispose of the investment.
By the way, for those of you who have asked whether I would wash a shirt after swapping it with a player the answer is a definite yes!
There are things you can do to minimise some risks such as have a flu jab, stay warm and wash your hands regularly.
"Like military people, or travelers, people who go hiking, who don't have a lot of water and time to wash their clothes, " he said.
"I know one single mom who was very proud that she had put all of her children through college, but she didn't have a penny saved for her own retirement, " says George S. Middleton, a financial adviser at Vancouver-Wash.
Many middle-class Brazilian families have been used to having a maid to cook, clean and wash for them.
You have no idea how long I spent trying to find a place to wash my car.
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In "Back Street in Jarrow, Tyneside" (1937), the cat in the foreground is clear enough, but you have to penetrate the smog to see the woman hanging wash on a clothesline in the distance.
The health of people half a world away can be affected by whether those workers have latrines and wash-basins.
Entrepreneurs bullied by big investors have a hero in Brad Harlow, chief executive of Physiosonics, in Bellevue, Wash.
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It found a litany of problems, including a shortage of nurses so dire that staff did not have the time to wash their hands between patients and on some occasions even told those in their care to "go in their beds".
And because of the spill -- even in places where oil didn't necessarily wash ashore have, because of the environment around the spill, seen a huge contraction in their own business.
If they are problems, then send the smokers outside to a spot far away from where the patients come in and out, or have them wash their hands and faces, which everyone ought be doing anyway, and only give them the same breaks from work that everyone else gets.
Whereas home-owners in Los Angeles and San Francisco must carefully watch how much water they consume if they want to avoid a stiff surcharge, Sacramento's people have no limit on the amounts they use to wash their cars, fill their swimming-pools and keep their lawns lushly green.
But Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland have kept it smart and irony-free -- there isn't a trace of condescension in their evocation of working people trying to hold it together, if not get ahead, or in their concentration on familiar, even timeless themes.