And Ms. Lewinsky's statements to some that she did not haveintercourse with the President, even though she wanted to do so, enhances the credibility of her statements.
At any age it was entirely acceptable and indeed much more the rule than the exception for a man to haveintercourse with a woman without having to concern himself with whether conception might occur.
In Renaissance Italy, it turns out, there was no end of advice as to how to get them: would-be parents of sons should eschew strong drink, endure abstention to build up their strength and then haveintercourse early in the day.
Early marriage in many part of Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia means that many engage in intercourse even before they are teenagers and have limited choice over birth control.
The president explained to the grand jury that Miss Lewinsky may have believed that her affidavit was true if she believed that sexual relationship meant intercourse.