Indeed, we have reason to believe that Saddam's regime is planning to sabotage Iraq's oil fields.
But, in part because of our military effort, we have reason to believe that progress can be made.
We are congenital optimists here and we think we have reason to believe that our optimism is merited.
Yet, we have reason to believe that changes in credit markets are an early warning sign for an NGDP heat-up.
"We have reason to believe that the Russians continue to supply financial and military assistance in the form of equipment, " she said.
From the great number of complaints which we have heard respecting the operation of the Income Tax as to the mode in which the profits of trades and professions under Schedule D are determined, we have reason to believe that a provision in the act, very important to the mercantile community, has been quite overlooked, or is little known.
"The state does have claw-back measures in place if a company fails to meet its target, but we have no reason to believe that they will be needed in this case, " he said.
Considering that the entire futuristic Korean story is performed by its characters in plain English, and that we have no reason to believe that these later post-apocalyptic humans would even incorporate English into their own language, it feels less like a world-building method, and more like the writers being unnecessarily clever.
And based on Obama's behavior to date, the Palestinians have good reason to believe that he may support their move.
"We have no reason to believe that it's anything but an accident, " Gov. Malloy said.
Of course, I have no reason to believe that rye will be going away anytime soon.
"We have no reason to believe that you are, in any way, associated with terrorist activities, " the letter read.
CNN: INS memo cites possible detention for those questioned in terror probe
However, I have little reason to believe that such offhand remarks are true.
FORBES: Hedge Funds Migrate, Dominate South Florida Country Clubs
"We have no reason to believe that our customers' personal information has been accessed or used inappropriately by anyone, " Citi said.
And there are significant obligations placed on China in this resolution, which we have every reason to believe that they will faithfully execute.
She, I would suggest it could reasonably be argued, most likely DID have EDUCATED REASON to believe that her crossing would be a safe one.
Moreover, the Americans have no reason to believe that prospects for a peace deal would improve with a leftist government at the helm in Jerusalem.
We have every reason to believe that both Turkey and Brazil will, in spite of their vote on the resolution, will comply with the resolution faithfully.
Investigators are still communicating with the suspect and "have no reason to believe that the child has been harmed, " Dale County Sheriff Wally Olson said Wednesday evening.
If you have good reason to believe that everyone else is gaining a competitive advantage through surreptitious transgressions, then you may conclude that to do otherwise, on principle, would fatally undermine your case.
We never had a plan to transfer anybody either to their home country or to a third country that we believe -- we have reason to believe will present a security situation for us or for that country.
Thus, she would have had every REASONABLE REASON to believe that if she just exercised normal caution, she (and her children with her) could cross the street at that location SAFELY.
But the best reason that we have to believe in the moons of Jupiter is that no one has to be prepared to die for them in order for them to be real.
We have no reason to believe at this point that any official U.S. government email accounts were accessed.
The law gives donors legal protection provided they have no reason to believe after reasonable inquiry that the foods they are donating are anything other than perfectly safe.
However, an Ashmolean spokesman added: "There is no reason to suppose Mr Wellby ever knowingly acquired any object that he knew or had reason to believe to have been looted from or sold under duress by a Jewish family in the period of Nazi rule".
They have every reason to believe, given enough time, that they will conquer this problem of mud that turned to cement.
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He emphasized that police have no reason to believe Zimmerman was the victim of a serial killer.
In fact, Romney gave the voters reason to believe that he could have been even worse than Obama.
There is every reason to believe that Keegan would have fought for hers.