The Russians know that they cannot have good relations with Europe if they have bad ones with America.
One of the messages that he has sent since being nominated is that Iraq would like to have good relations with all of its neighbors but this will have to be based on non-interference and mutual respect.
Hatzofe is also concerned about the effect the elections will have on relations with the Palestinians.
That's like saying that a business should have reciprocal relations with every one of its accounts.
And AK was and remains keen to have warmer relations with the Arab and Muslim worlds.
This was in 1928, and the United States did not have diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.
British firms outsource less than their peers in continental Europe, but have better relations with their suppliers.
One of Shilo's founders, Shevach Stern, said the settlers always hoped to have good relations with their Arab neighbors.
It is in a position of strength, and confident enough to have friendly relations with people once seen as enemies.
Defence companies everywhere have awkward relations with their governments, but Britain's defence companies do not get the cushy ride others enjoy.
Last year Mauritania, one of the few Arab League countries to have diplomatic relations with Israel, told it to close its embassy.
Iraqi Shias, for instance, are still wary of Iranian meddling in Iraq, even though Iraq's main Shia parties have close relations with Iran.
Pope Francis is also said to have warm relations with the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, receiving awards from Jewish organisations, which strengthen his interfaith credentials.
We have good relations with both Argentina and Great Britain, and we are looking forward to them being able to continue to dialogue on this issue.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Santos Hold a Press Conference | The White House
"Georgia wants to belong to European and Euro-Atlantic structures but at the same time to have good relations with every neighbour, " said Georgian political analyst Alexander Rondeli.
Whereas two-thirds of American, British and German employees say they have friendly relations with their line manager, fewer than a third of French workers say the same.
Earlier, they had recommended that contacts be frozen, but an exception had been made for those Arab countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel: Egypt, Jordan and Mauritania.
Arthur Jarman said it was "highly desirable" that the union should have good relations with a party which he said seemed to be "genuinely beginning with a clean slate".
Mr Clinton added three more criteria: an assessment of the threat America faces, the cost of the proposed system, and its implications for national security, meaning the impact it would have on relations with Russia and with America's allies.
Some of his cabinet appointments reflect this change of focus: the new finance minister, Fukushiro Nukaga, and the new chief cabinet secretary, Kaoru Yosano, are supporters of fiscal restructuring and have better relations with the bureaucracy than their predecessors.
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But at the same time, Syria has wanted to have better relations with the United States, and it has engaged in indirect talks with Israel over their differences, especially the Syrian land seized by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967.
Senator JOSEPH LIEBERMAN (Republican, Connecticut): Have very close relations with some of the militias, particularly the Shia militias, and that they have a very aggressive game plan in Iraq.
NPR: Iran a Stabilizing Force in Iraq, Iranian Official Says
Gaffes such as these have not helped relations with Network Rail's funding body.
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Frequent foreign demands for an inquiry, and an attempt by the United Nations to launch one, have soured Western relations with Sri Lanka.
Muslims make up less than 10% of the population and have generally good relations with the Sinhalese Buddhist majority, says the BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo.
The Reverend Rob Marshall said it had been a "difficult week" for St Paul's, but "we continue to have quite good relations with those outside in the tents".
Both countries have opened diplomatic relations with each other.
And yet its leaders know that if they want to build up their country's fragile economy, they'll have to develop relations with the West - and that means restoring relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan.
In particular, he has no mandate to open an official dialogue with the United States, and thus attend to a relationship that will have to be mended if Iran is to have full trade relations with other countries.