That prevents unwanted competition from females and allows them to have more sex with other chimps undisturbed.
The same law enforcement source said federal agents had gone to the Dominican Republic in hopes of finding the women who claimed to have had sex with Menendez, but that the women had not yet been located.
Our singer, who is too young to have sung with the Basie Band (and may be too young to have sung with the Sex Pistols) is the incomparable Stephan Marolachakis of Brooklyn.
There's more: According to a wide-ranging review of the published literature, highly educated people are more likely to have had extramarital sex (those with graduate degrees are 1.75 times more likely to have cheated than those with high school diplomas).
It needs to change, because the church has big problems, most of which existed before 2002 and have nothing to do with sex abuse.
ECONOMIST: The pain of the sex-abuse scandal may be helping the church
In the past 15 years, many states have strengthened laws dealing with sex crimes against children, making it easier to prosecute abusers who are identified years after their assaults.
WSJ: Penn State Case Underscores How Society Deals With Sexual Assault
"I don't want my DAD to have anything to do with my sex life, " I said.
Some hotels that originally instated single-sex units have since done away with them.
The discrepancy between both wanting to plan pregnancy and having unprotected sex may have something to do with a focus in recent years on abstinence-only education, said Laura Lindberg, senior research associate at the nonprofit Guttmacher Institute.
Sex offenders have been required to register with officials where they live since the mid-1990s.
Around 160, 000 men in the UK have been left with little or no sex life after treatment for prostate cancer, the Macmillan Cancer Support charity says.
Even in nations that have more experience with legally recognized same-sex pairing and splitting, calculation of divorce rates is often hampered by small numbers.
Meanwhile, the secular media have been having a field day with a sex scandal involving a fiercely religious columnist for Vakit, a pro-Islamic daily.
ECONOMIST: The government rounds on its secular critics in the media
As everyone knows, some states have begun to experiment with legalizing same-sex marriage, and public opinion seems to be shifting in favor of the change.
WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It
Thirty-nine percent said they are satisfied with the amount of sex they have even if they were having no sex at all.
This suggests than it may have something to do with the fact that the sex-determining chromosome is carried by males in mammals and females in birds.
The new survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted March 13-17, 2013 among 1, 501 adults nationwide, confirms that these figures have crossed, with 49% supporting same-sex marriage, and 44% opposed.
FORBES: Why Do Polls Show Support For Gay Marriage When State Election Results Reveal Otherwise?
Research suggests that children who have this kind of relationship with their parents delay their first sexual experience, and are more likely to have safe sex.
Now that six U.S. states permit same-sex marriage, researchers have been able to conduct studies with those couples.
DC, such agencies have the cultural nous to deal with the messy business of sex and the distribution channels to reach the farthest-flung lovers.
During the Crusades, which was the last time that western civilization had to cope with a sex ratio like the one we have today, the surplus women went to (or were sent to) convents.
FORBES: The Real Marriage Crisis Is Economics, Not Gay Marriage
Since 2010, registrars have contacted authorities on 49 occasions with suspicions relating to same-sex ceremonies involving foreign nationals.
Sex ratios have declined in 17 states in the past decade, with the biggest falls registered in Jammu and Kashmir.
Margaret Thatcher would no more have identified herself as a woman, or claimed special pleading that she was a mere frail girl, or asked you to sympathize with her because of her sex, than she would have called up the Kremlin and asked how quickly she could surrender.
Young Iranians have more freedom in how they dress, in their contact with the opposite sex and in the music they enjoy.
Neither the group with these infections nor those without were more likely to have met sex partners online, arguing against what has become common knowledge.
Williams, who now goes by the name Shyteek Johnson, completed a 12-year prison sentence in April 2010 but has remained in custody as the state seeks to have him committed indefinitely under a civil law that allows extended confinement for sex offenders with mental abnormalities that make them likely to offend again.
Hurd settled the harassment charges ahead of his resignation with both parties saying there was no sex, and could conceivably have made restitution and apologies.
Secondly, sex offenders will have to notify the authorities whenever they are living in a household with a child under the age of 18 and they will be required to notify the authorities weekly as to where they can be found when they have no fixed abode.
"Pushing the federal government with multiple lawsuits before we have a critical mass of states recognizing same-sex relationships or suing in states where the courts aren't ready is likely to lead to bad rulings, " the coalition said.
CNN: Bush v. Gore lawyers launch new same-sex marriage appeal