Hague turned him down, just so he could have the pleasure of sacking him instead.
And the ISP's will have the pleasure of selling individual subscriptions to neighbors who used to share.
Teachers, however, have the pleasure of helping children learn, which can be among the most rewarding feelings imaginable.
FORBES: In praise of Legal Aid lawyers (by a white collar criminal defense practitioner)
Pretty soon, even robots will have the pleasure of enjoying the touch... the feel of cotton and maybe even hum that jingle to themselves, too.
During the Skoll Forum, I will have the pleasure of introducing three of these First Mover Fellows: a financial expert, an engineer and a corporate strategist.
FORBES: Social Intrapreneurs: Disruptive Innovators on the Inside
Those you who have the pleasure of owning a copy of Nerds on Wall Street, my amusing yet allegedly informative book on modern markets, know that it features a photo collection of critters on trading floors.
"When you have the pleasure of working with the No. 1 athlete in the world, that's a no-brainer, " said Glance, who won gold as part of the U.S. 4x100-meter relay team at the Montreal Games in 1976.
The editorial hand here is very light, which is why I have the pleasure of reading intelligent conservatives like Avik Roy and Lawrence Hunter while also reading intelligent liberals like Rick Ungar and Erik Kain without having to leave the site.
In my experience, the immigrant workers that I have had the pleasure of knowing have, almost without exception, all worked harder than any native UK resident I know, for a fraction of the pay and benefits.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Secret life of the office cleaner
If you have the undoubted pleasure of watching from the Royal Enclosure, then a real effort will have to be made.
Over the past few years, my team and I have had the pleasure of working with social media author and expert Brian Solis on a number of infographics, including The Conversation Prism and The Twitterverse, which we have updated each year.
We had very positive and constructive discussions with a number of representatives of the Jordanian government and I did have the privilege and pleasure of meeting the king.
Since then I have had the pleasure of flying a wide variety of general aviation, business and WWII vintage aircraft and helicopters.
He is also one of the most engaging and infectious human beings I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Taxi drivers have always been rated informally and occasionally fired for egregious behavior, but the Uber app puts the trigger for rating your driver right next to your statement of how much you have just paid for the pleasure of their service.
FORBES: Om Malik's Data Darwinism And The New Physics Of Information
"If you had a smoker compared to a nonsmoker and were able to do imaging study of the brain, the smoker would have billions more of the receptors in areas of the brain that have to do with pleasure and reward, " says Richard Hurt, an internist who heads the Mayo Clinic's Nicotine Dependence Center.
Hanssen must have relished the sheer pleasure of violation and control.
And for those who have never had the pleasure of sitting in a black barbershop and getting all of what you've heard about, this is a good way to do it.
Who knows what it would have sounded like, but the pleasure of sleeping in your own bed would have made touring so much more pleasant!
That ending would have the virtue of symmetry, and pleasure, and closure, and relief, for the suffering audience.
French adolescents have for years been deprived of the simple pleasure of riding about on four wheels, and if they seem to find an excessive number of military missions for themselves, all of which involve riding down the boulevards and cheering, nobody can blame them.
The French and Italians share that pleasure in the bandying about of ideas, and have taken to their heart another, now almost forgotten, English novelist.
Hand in hand, my husband of 35 years and I have learned to take pleasure in the everyday: wandering through the woods in our area, inhaling the scent of our garden, watching the fluttering butterflies.
Mike Bellamy, landlord of the Notte Inn in Plymouth, which is part-owned by Mr McCloud, said the ex-hostage was "one of the most charitable, honest and nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet".
You can bump up the hard drive to 40GB running at a speedier 5, 400 rpm if you so desire, though you'll have to give up about two hours of battery life for the pleasure.
ENGADGET: Toshiba updates Dynabooks with new SS S30 and SS M36
And this is not to diminish the excitement (pleasure?) any student of human behavior should have concerning explorations of brain-behavior relationships.
FORBES: Neurobiology Says Diversify Your Pleasures or Risk Addiction
We then had the pleasure of spending the night at an airport hotel that seemed to have been last updated around the time commercial air travel started.
To me, as President of the Argentine Republic, it is indeed a pleasure to have a chance to meet you, and a great honor as well to have this relationship with you.
Behavioralists have measured that Americans feel the pain of loss over twice as strongly as they enjoy the pleasure of gain (from the Nobel-winning prospect theory).
They are mainly confined to international relations but in one, addressed to Gopichand Hinduja, Mr Blair says: 'It is always a pleasure to appoint people of talent and ability to the government and I have every confidence that Keith will do an excellent job in his very important post at the Lord Chancellor's Department.