Despite the difficulties surrounding the election, neither analyst said Mr Havel's retirement was an insurmountable obstacle.
And Mr Havel, however eloquent his pleas for discussion and consensus, has failed to displace it.
Yet in some respects Mr Havel, at home, has more recently been a failure.
In other words, Mr Havel spun a good line in well-meaning and unexceptionable waffle.
Now 63, Mr Havel has kept his modesty, wit and sense of the absurd.
His backers saw Mr Havel's hand in their man's fall, which Mr Havel denies.
Anyone regarding Mr Havel as too idealistic or too Bohemian for grubby politics soon learned otherwise.
Here Mr Havel evens the score with several courteous but deadly thrusts of his own.
Mr Havel is sage enough to know that not everyone wants to stand out.
At the end of his presidency, Mr Havel left behind neither heir nor party.
"There were four in the northeastern city of Misawa, " said Chris Havel, a spokesman for Oregon's parks department.
WSJ: Pilgrims Flock to Tsunami Relic at Agate Beach in Oregon
He predicted that either Mr Klaus or Mr Zeman would be "much more political" presidents than Mr Havel.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was "deeply saddened" and that Europe owed Havel a "profound debt".
Keane begins a few days following Havel's birth, where the true extent of his bourgeois upbringing is fully pronounced.
"Obviously, we have a finite budget, " said Mr. Havel, the parks department spokesman.
WSJ: Pilgrims Flock to Tsunami Relic at Agate Beach in Oregon
His description of the Havel family quarrel over their restored pre-1948 properties is telling and, he suggests, not untypical.
Without Mr Havel, the country's international standing would not be what it is.
Czech politicians, including a former prime minister, Vaclav Klaus, complained that President Havel had damaged relations with a friendly neighbour.
These days, Mr Havel sounds disappointed, even though, after three years in the doldrums, Czech prosperity has been steadily growing again.
The clearest but unkindest explanation for Mr Klaus's conduct is a desire to be noticed more than his predecessor, Vaclav Havel.
Is Mr Havel's beloved dialogue the remedy for global misunderstanding, let alone the right way to get the Czech Republic moving ahead?
He is talked of as a possible presidential successor to Mr Havel.
The lift links the Havel-Oder Canal from Berlin with the river Oder.
Havel began co-writing plays during his military service in the 1950s and his first solo play, The Garden Party, was staged in 1963.
The library is collecting all items (whether originals, facsimiles, or electronic data) related to the entire life and work of Mr. Havel.
Mr Zeman effectively retired from politics in 2003, after failing to beat Mr Klaus in the election to succeed Vaclav Havel as president.
President Vaclav Havel has criticised Mr Zeman's announcement, warning it could make Czechs an unreliable ally in the eyes of the United States.
Vaclav Havel, Dame Ninette de Valois, Marc Chagall, Henry Moore and Sir Isaiah Berlin are among the recipients of the past 45 years.
Vaclav Havel, the Czechs' non-executive president, is likely to appoint Mr Zeman prime minister soon after the new parliament convenes on July 14th.
Mr Klaus's flinty vision of independent states, co-operating but certainly not melding, runs against Mr Havel's consensual, welfare-conscious welcome of a cosier pan-European embrace.