The senior monks "wished for legal actions" against him after he admonished them for not helping jailed monks, according to the New Light.
Early on in the day, he admonished college athletic departments for relying on direct institutional support and state government subsidies in order to operate in the black.
He was admonished on a charge of malicious mischief after his lawyer claimed the fire in May 2008 was down to "crass stupidity".
The Labour MP has been labelled the "hero of the budget" after he repeatedly admonished noisy members of parliament for interrupting Chancellor George Osborne.
Following the period he previously spent on remand he was admonished.
His ethics stumbles (which included not paying taxes on a Caribbean villa, and taking a number of sun-filled trips which were paid for by corporations), were many and well known, yet went unpunished by Congress until last month, when he was admonished by the House Ethics Committee for violating gift rules.
Rather, Keys tweeted a copy of a "final written warning" he said he received from Reuters in October, which admonished him for unprofessional behavior after he mocked a Google executive from a fake Twitter account.
He recognised the regime's achievements in health and education, but admonished it to release political prisoners.
Now that Ginsburg, admonished by the judge, is less eager to shoot off his mouth, he has been the subject of considerable criticism.
We begged them to lock their front doors when they popped out to the shops and admonished them to please not let just any stranger in who rang the outside buzzer claiming he was working in one of the empty units.