When asked how many patients this hospital can tend to at once, he chuckles and says none.
"I'm selling enzymes by the milligram now, instead of the ton, " he chuckles.
"Trying to fit all these things in -- it ain't easy, " he chuckles.
He chuckles when reminiscing over being told that him Elmore cut corners around the dark portions of the track.
"The other drivers on the road were pointing and screaming, " he chuckles.
He chuckles saying he has no idea, adding that he found it, maintains the parts and that he thinks it is beautiful.
He chuckles as he recounts the tale of the absconded umbrellas.
"I wasn't offended by it at all, " he chuckles.
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Charles Ledsinger chuckles when he remembers his days at one of the hotel industry's most tightly controlled chains.
Klein chuckles when he remembers the first time he and Gates met in person after parting ways in Washington.
Plank chuckles as he recalls one chief executive who is considering such a deal, even though it might make the company's management redundant.
Mr. Sailer says he harbors no ill will and chuckles at being called creepy.
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"How Bowser would hold a coffee cup, how he would laugh and spit out coffee, " chuckles Moore.
Mowrey chuckles at Hsun-Huang's colorful talk, but he notes that he is talking from a position of strength.
"In fact, 'Max U' would be a much more sensible person if he had gender change and became 'Maxine U, '" she chuckles.
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