Mr Ferdinand said he did not know what Mr Terry had said until later.
"We've lost everything", he told the Washington Post, adding he did not know what to do next.
Oxman emphasized that he did not know what killed Jackson, and was not making accusations against any individual.
Bremner said he did not know what the Princess's sons, William and Harry, would think of the show.
Mr Murphy said phrases such as "devo max" and "indie lite" were lovely, but he did not know what they meant.
BBC: Labour's Jim Murphy presses Salmond on 'devo max' issue
He did say that investigators found a package they were interested in, but he did not know what was in it.
He said he did not know what the information was intended for.
BBC: Cyprus jails Hezbollah operative for Israel attacks plot
Carey swore he did not know what his operatives were doing and called their actions a "betrayal" of everything he worked for.
"Fortunately, the rent for this month has been paid, " he said, adding that he did not know what he would do next month.
Mr McGeever told the couple who found him he did not know what county he was in, what day it was, or what month it was.
Ms Watt also said Mr Parker told her he did not know what happened to Ms Spence, as she was gone when he got the keys back to his flat.
Grant testified Friday that he could not say whether ricin had been found in Curtis' home and stressed that he did not know what may have been found as the hearing approached two hours.
He knew it was wrong, knew something was required of him that was not this terrible frozen care and caution, but he pretended to himself he did not know what it was that was required.
But he said that after reading a 300-page summary of a 6, 000-page report on CIA interrogation and detention policies, he did "not know what the truth is".
But he said ministers did not know what the impact of a recession would be on the prison population, saying previous recessions had resulted in different outcomes in terms of crime levels.
Mr Lambley said he did not know the details of what actually happened or how much compensation PC Seymour was claiming.
What he did not know was that the lobbyist was working for the other side.
ECONOMIST: Zimbabwean justice: A sting, a trial and rambling evidence | The
He seemed unexceptional until I realized that the women trying to comfort him were not his guardians, did not know him, and could not figure out what language he was speaking.
He was ready for a change, but did not know what it would be.
Speaking after the inquest, Mrs McCracken's son Brian, 64, said he hoped that the driver of the car did not know what had happened.
BBC: Broken neck woman's death recorded as accidental verdict
The court heard that, while Harratt did not know exactly what Otak had done, he must have realised that he had committed a serious offence.