He says he never sought or expected special treatment, and he didn't know that he got any.
While he said he saw multiple ways forward, he didn't cite any one plan.
Now, he'll be the first to tell you he didn't do any of this alone.
Unlike some of the other critics, Walsh said he didn't feel any vindication at Armstrong's expected about-face.
CNN: To Armstrong's critics, doping admission would be sweet
Bernie Ebbers said he didn't have any idea how phony accounting entries got into his ship's log.
Several times in the last few months he said he didn't like any of the candidates running.
Rafferty has said the crimes were horrible but he didn't see any chance to stop the killings.
He said he didn't have any feeling in his foot, so that was a bad sign for us.
He didn't give any details about what length of time was being considered.
When he didn't get any replies, he bought a one-way ticket to Beijing.
He didn't volunteer any information about his guilty plea to his new employers.
WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record
He didn't provide any details of GE's revenue in India, or what he expects to drive the 15%-20% revenue rise.
While it's laudible that Bernanke is attempting to bring this Main Street issue into the spotlight, he didn't offer any prescriptions.
He didn't fit any of the "prohibited possessor" categories that would have prevented the purchase and passed an instant federal background check.
Ellsworth said he didn't see any point in making an official endorsement.
Parts of the plane hit homes and smashed car windshields, Yelinek said, but he didn't see any houses or cars catch fire.
McCombs, however, contends the PrISM and stock loan deals were separate and that he didn't sell any stock, for tax purposes, in 2002.
Bolt said he didn't expect any damage from Tuesday evening's quake, but he noted there could be some damage from poorly anchored objects or unsound structures.
He didn't give any specific figures on how many rockets have been destroyed and said Hezbollah still has thousands of short-range and hundreds of longer-range rockets.
Both declined to do so, although Whitacre said the merger would "have no impact on the consumer marketplace, " and that he didn't foresee any price hikes.
He testified in congressional hearings in December 2011 that he didn't know any customer money was missing until Oct. 30, the day before MF Global's bankruptcy filing.
He didn't feel any direct pressure from his partner or family, but says as his children got older he wanted them to have parents who were married.
He didn't have any particular interest in marathon running but was intrigued by the idea after discussing the event while visiting the Dysart Arms in Richmond one night.
Mr. Perez also misled Congressional investigators by saying on March 22 that he didn't have any "recollection" of using his personal email to communicate about the quid pro quo.
"We were club mates but Gareth wasn't the sort to go to the pub after a race, so he didn't have any close friends in the group, " he said.
Matt Nors, 30 years old, owner of the Nors Sausage and Burger house on Main Street, said he didn't think any of the workers were in the plant during the explosion.
Harden scored a career-high 46 points in the Rockets' only regular-season win against Oklahoma City, but said he didn't gain any secrets from that performance to carry over into the playoffs.